(773) 442-4910
Kim Ambriz standing outdoors next to a brown horse
Professor; Department Chairperson
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-4921
All areas of printmaking taught with a focus on screenprinting, monoprint, monotype and lithography. Experimental approaches to printmaking and hand bookbinding are also covered during advanced courses.
Courses Taught
Printmaking I
Printmaking II
Printmaking III
Printmaking IV
WIP: Professional Practices
Research Interests
Kim’s prints and drawings (and hybrids of the two) are informed by and reference the formats of pictorial histories, maps, manuscripts and chronicles, especially those of ancient Aztec codices and Plains Indian ledger drawings. Her current work extracts and re-contextualizes parts of stories, characters, symbols and settings found in Mexican texts and myths, such as the Popol Vuh and the Mexican zodiac, and gives special attention to ancient funerary customs and their connection to various journeys and trials encountered in the underworld.

Master of Fine Arts in Printmaking, University of Iowa School of Art and Art History, Iowa City, Iowa

Master of Arts in Printmaking, University of Iowa School of Art and Art History, Iowa City, Iowa

Bachelor of Arts in Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, Illinois

Selected Exhibitions

Trace + Gestures, Grey Matter Gallery, Milwaukee, WI

Trace + Gestures, Proyecto ‘Ace, Dialogo Space/Central Hall, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Desaturate2, Living Room Gallery, Chicago, IL

Transformation, Grand Rapids Museum of Art, Grand Rapids, MI

Drawing Resurfaced, Purdue University Galleries, West Lafayette, IN

dis/connections, Dubhe Carreño Gallery, Chicago, IL

Process and Practice, Fine Arts Center Gallery, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Refugee Reading Room (The Moving Crew), Space 1026, Philadelphia, PA

The Moving Crew: Ideal X, Culturing Community, Faulconer Gallery, Grinnell College, IA

The Yield, Heaven Gallery, Chicago, IL

The Moving Crew: Transfer-mation, Urban Institute of Contemporary Art, Grand Rapids, MI

Transformation: Artist/Scientist Collaborations, Rochester Contemporary, Rochester, NY

Additional Information

Artist Residency, CBPA/ Anchor Graphics, The Moving Crew, Columbia College, Chicago, IL

Artist Residency, Jentel Artist Residency Program, Banner, WY

Artist Residency, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT

Chicago Community Arts Assistance Grant (CAAP), Chicago, IL

Artist-in-Residence, FugScreens Studio, Chicago, IL

Room FA 105B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4921
Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Image of Jess, face with brown hair in a cardboard cut out of the shape of a body.
Program Assistant
Art + Design
Jess Bass (she/her) uses play as both a process and aesthetic to create mimetic installations and performances.

MFA Fine Arts, Sculpture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
B.A. Liberal Arts, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts


Delirium Reloaded, Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Sock Drive, Chicago Public Library, Chicago, USA
When Souls Stick, Comfort Station, Chicago, USA
Amuleto, The Franklin, Chicago, USA
Continuous Span, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, USA
Ullrpaaaiiillllgggrrrrrhrhekoko, The Plan, Chicago, USA
PLAY/GROUND, Buffalo RiverWorks, New York, USA
Springboard, Mayfield, Chicago, USA
Life Work, Tiny Table Gallery, Chicago, USA

Additional Information






Bunker Projects, Pittsburgh, USA
Ellis-Beauregard Foundation, Maine, USA
HydePark Art Center Bridge Program, Chicago, USA

Time Out, Music Video, Stuck
Ferry, Music Video, Moontype


Room FA 105 B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicao, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-4:40 p.m.
Image of Daniel Brown
Instructor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Brown is a multi-disciplinary designer and visual artist who produces explorations of Black queer experience. His research and printed works explore language and coded signals while studying power, race, consumerism, and sexuality.
Courses Taught
Studio in Graphic Design
Research Interests
A design educator, he encourages critical discussions about identity and contemporary American culture. Through his practice, he innovates learning communities, using design and publishing to showcase diverse perspectives and, in the process, build empathy and open public dialogues. With aspirations of establishing a publishing house and reasserting the responsibility of the classroom in society, he imagines new ways of making sense of the world through reading.

University of Illinois Chicago, MDES in Graphic Design, Chicago, IL

University of Kansas, BA in Architecture, Lawrence, KS

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Dubhe Carreno
Senior Instructor, Ceramics
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Dubhe Carreño’s expertise include teaching functional and sculptural ceramics for 20 years, curating at Dubhe Carreño Gallery for 10 years (2002-2012) and running her own ceramics studio, This Quiet Dust Ceramics, as a designer and maker of ceramic functional objects.
Courses Taught
Studio experiences : Ceramics
Ceramics I
Ceramics II
Ceramics III
Ceramics IV
Research Interests
Dubhe Carreño’s ceramic work is designed and handcrafted to offer perfectly simple forms inspired by a minimalist aesthetic and the colors and textures found in nature. Forms are intentionally irregular highlighting the presence of the artist’s hand, which honors the clay’s voice as an active participant and collaborator in the process of creating each individual form. Dubhe’s work aims to celebrate the simplicity and beauty of everyday rituals by enhancing the experience of holding a warm cup of tea or serving sliced peaches in a porcelain bowl.

Master of Fine Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA

Selected Publications

Daily Herald, Northbrook ceramic artist's work officially One of a Kind Article by Dave Oberherman. Nov. 2021

Ceramics Monthly, January 2020 issue: Chicago City Guide Article by Dubhe Carreño. P. 20-25 January 2020

Pottery Making Illustrated. Nov/Dec 2019 Issue: “The Perfect Bruch” by Dubhe Carreño. P.44-46 December 2019

Chicago Magazine, March 2019 issue: The Chicago Ceramicist Making Dance-Influenced Dishware. Dubhe Carreño celebrates the beauty in asymmetry. March 2019

Pottery Making Illustrated, A Bowl of Soup, article by Dubhe Carreño, Spring 2018

Midwest Living Magazine, Pottery Pieces We Love,  Article by Angela Ufheil April 2018

Selected Exhibitions

Smithsonian Craft Show, Washington, DC

AMERICAN CRAFT EXPOSTION, Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, IL

ONE OF A KIND, Chicago, IL

NY NOW,  New York, NY

Studio 6F, Sedimentary, Chicago, IL

Kevin Reilly Collection, Dubhe Carreño Ceramics, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Commission for plates for 432 Park Avenue Restaurant NYC (Chef Shawn Hergatt)

Commission for plates for Dovetail Restaurant, NYC (Chef John Fraser)

Room FA 114F
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
brown haired woman with glasses
Instructor, Art Appreciation
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Eloise Heinrich has thirteen years of experience in ceramics and uses multiple techniques to create her sculptures. She teaches all areas of ceramics including, slab building, coiling, wheel throwing, pinch pot, mold making, glazing, and kiln firing. She expands on technical and conceptual advancement as well as the history of artists and techniques.
Courses Taught
Art and Society
Research Interests
Eloise Heinrich's interests revolve around storytelling, mysticism, and the curiosity around the connections we form. Her research involves a wide range of history, folklore, ritual, and nature. Since her references come from such a wide berth, she uses multiple techniques in creating her sculptures. Her practice focuses on heavy surface design and large scale sculpture to entice the viewer to live in the world where these objects exist.

Masters of Fine Art, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Bachelors of Art, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois 

Selected Exhibitions

Harper Faculty Show, Harper College Fine Art Gallery, Palatine, IL 

GVSU Ceramics Forum Exhibition, NCECA Conference, Cincinnati, OH 

NIU Student and Faculty Exhibition, DeKalb, IL 

Spring Happening, Next Step Gallery, Ferndale, MI 

NEIU Alumni Exhibition, NEIU Fine Art Gallery, Chicago, IL 

CAA Graduate Degree Exhibition, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI 

Tableworks, Bswing Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

Additional Information

Advanced Mentorship Program, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass, CO 

Siren Hotel Commission, Detroit, MI

Office Hours
Thursday: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Main Campus
Todd Irwin
Assistant Professor, Art + Technology
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Todd Irwin is a multidisciplinary artist with a strong background in fine art and commercial printmaking. His research is centered around printmaking as social practice.
Courses Taught
Digital Foundations
Art + Tech I
Form + Motion
Research Interests
Irwin’s projects range from object based inquiries, installation and performance based works, to publishing imprints, and long term collaborations. His practice is rooted in his experience working as a commercial printer for almost 20 years. Over time, Irwin has developed an art practice that utilizes printmaking as a method for artistic inquiry, with an interest in cultural anthropology and the role of artistic production in the service economy. Irwin has printed alongside notable artists in Chicago and New York as well as spent time working in community printshops such as Bushwick Print Lab (Brooklyn) and Chicago Printmakers Collaborative. Currently Irwin engages in both personal and client based projects though his studio Bitmap Press.

Master of Fine Arts, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois

Selected Exhibitions

International Print Center, New York, NY

Co-Prosperity Sphere, Chicago, IL

Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, OH

Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA

Amy Li Projects, New York, NY

Deconstrukt, Brooklyn, NY

Library Exhibitions, Fayetteville, AR

Robert Blackburn 20/20 Gallery, New York, NY

Additional Information

Resident Designer, Chicago Printers Guild, Chicago, IL

How To Print Lunch, Southern Graphics Council International, Dallas, TX

Installation, The Other Art Fair, Mana Contemporary, Chicago, IL

An Ode to Cottage Cheese, 4th Annual Sandwich Summit, Wassaic Project, Wassaic, NY

Chicago Artist Coalition Guest Panel, Sonnenzimmer + Bitmap Press, Chicago, IL

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Image of Millicent Kennedy
Fine Arts Center Gallery Director
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Research Interests
Millicent Kennedy is a Chicago-based artist and curator, their art practice collaborates with materials and time through performance, fiber and print. The themes explored in their work often pivot on the tension between labor and impermanence.

Master of Fine Arts, Museum Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Selected Exhibitions

Misfit Muses, Belong Gallery, Chicago, IL

Provisions: Labor and Luxury, Charles Allis Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI

Life Inside – Still, Roman Susan Gallery, Chicago, IL


Connect: Collect, Resonator Institute, Norman, OK

Relic, Remedy and Ritual, Heaven Gallery, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Lillstreet Artist in Residence | Textiles Department | Chicago, IL

Terrain Exhibitions Artist Residency | Springfield, IL

Anette Storefront Residency | Roman Susan Gallery | Chicago, IL

Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: Noon-3 p.m.
Main Campus
Chantala Kommanivanh
Instructor, Painting
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Chantala Kommanivanh is a visual artist working primarily with mixed media. He has exhibited in his work in galleries and museums all across the U.S and international. Kommanivanh has been teaching at NEIU since 2012.
Courses Taught
Art and society
Studio experiences in painting
Mural painting
Research Interests
Chantala Kommanivanh is an emerging Laotian American artist based out of Chicago. Kommanivanh's work is inspired from old family photographs and found images representing his childhood and pivotal moments of his life. His work uses paint and loose canvas, often collage and layered with drawn and painted marks, areas of thick paint and thin stains of color to explore his experience as a member of a refugee family. There are glimpses of a displaced youth negotiating a new cultural landscape, family ties, and various aspects of identity and urban life in his work. His paintings combine colorful and sometimes aggressive abstraction with moments of sensitive photographic clarity...perhaps an appropriate analogy to an engaged life

Masters of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing, Peck School of the Arts, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Selected Exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions:

Union Art Gallery. Milwaukee, WI

Elephant Room. Chicago, IL

Group Exhibitions

Minnesota Museum Of American Art. Minneapolis, MN

Asian Arts Initiative. Philadelphia, PA

National Art Museum Of China. Beijing, China

Herbert J. Johnson Museum Of Art. Ithaca, NY

Elephant Room. Chicago, IL

Kenilworth Square East Gallery. Milwaukee, WI

New Rules Gallery. Minneapolis, MN

Additional Information

Large scale mural commissioned by Rebuild Foundation (Garfield BLVD & Prairie)

Large scale mural commissioned by Rebuild Foundation (67th & Stony Island)

Artist Talk, Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.

City of Chicago ‘s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Grant (DCASE)

Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
a white man with a long white beard, brown jacket and sunglasses hanging from his neck
Senior Instructor, Drawing
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Instruction for major and non-art majors that focuses on the acquisition of perceptual skills necessary for the objective representation of drawn and painted subject matter. More advanced instruction is aimed at parlaying these skills into realizing more content driven imagery where the intuitive and inventive powers are more aggressively developed.
Courses Taught
Studio Experiences: Drawing
Drawing I
Drawing II
Advanced Drawing
Research Interests
Mr. Krantz is currently working on paintings and drawings that examine questions of male identity on an individual and societal level. His work is particularly concerned with self-validating behaviors that lead to personal growth and nurturing relationships, and conversely with fabricated or assimilated behaviors that are regressive for the individual and toxic for humanity as a whole.

Masters of Fine Arts in Painting, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

Selected Exhibitions

Bloodletting, Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL (solo)

Faculty Biennial, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

MVCC Faculty Present: New Work, Moraine Valley Community College

MVCC Faculty Exhibit: Innerview, Moraine Valley Community College

Guest List, Gescheidle Gallery, Chicago, IL

Building Beauty, Carlson Tower Gallery, North Park University, Chicago, IL

Seattle Art Fair, Martin-Zambito Gallery, Seattle, WA


A native of Niagra Falls, N.Y., Mr. Krantz earned his BFA in painting at Washington University and his masters in painting at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. He was awarded a teaching fellowship following his graduate study where he acted as Associate Professor of Drawing at Indiana University's Overseas Program in Florence, Italy. After moving to Chicago in the fall of 1995, Mr. Krantz began teaching basic and advanced courses in drawing and painting at the Highland Park Fine Arts Center, and the Evanston Arts center. He currently teaches at Northeastern Illinois University and Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills, Ill. He divides his time between teaching and working in the studio preparing for his next and very occasional show at home where he lives with his wife and four cats.

FA 252
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
M & W: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.,
Tu & Th: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. & Fri: 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. (online only)
Main Campus
Image of Deanna Krueger
Senior Instructor, Foundations
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Deanna’s research focus is on material studies, painting, sculpture, color, contemporary art and theory. She knows quite a bit about polymers, plastics, and pH levels of various mediums and materials.
Courses Taught
Studio Experiences: Painting
Two Dimensional Design
Three Dimensional Design
Painting I
Painting II
Painting III
Painting IV
Research Interests
Krueger’s mixed media work usually employs recycled materials because of her concerns for the environment. She works abstractly at the juncture where sculpture and painting intersect. The resulting pieces are hybrids. The process for her Shards series begins with recycled medical diagnostic film (X-ray and MRI film) layered with acrylic monotype prints. The film is then torn apart, and the shards are reconnected into new configurations using thousands of staples. The visual aesthetic is at once high-tech and primordial.

Masters of Fine Art,with Highest Honors in Textiles, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI

Bachelor of Fine Art, Summa Cum Laude, Duel Major in Fibers and in Drawing and Painting, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Associate degree, Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI

Selected Exhibitions

Deanna Krueger: Shards, Union League Club of Chicago, IL

ART-IN-PLACE, CNL Projects and Terrain Exhibitions, Chicago and various locations throughout the US, Canada, Germany, and Japan

Deanna Krueger: Shards, Olympia Centre/737 North Michigan, Chicago, IL

Deanna Krueger: Shimmer, The Robert T. Wright Community Gallery of Art,     College of Lake County, Grayslake, IL

Glitzern: A Pop-Up Solo Exhibition, Galerie Graystone, Chicago, IL

Perceptions, Hofheimer Gallery, Chicago, IL

UNEXPECTED, Lisa Goesling and Deanna Krueger, Fermilab Gallery, Batavia, IL

Meditative Surfaces, The Art Center, Highland Park, IL

Artists' Atlas: Mapping Their Journey, State Street Gallery, Robert Morris University, Chicago, IL

Membranes of Perception, Zhoe B Art Center, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Museum Purchase Award - Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Fort Wayne, IN

Commission for Vista at Brush Creek, 54" x 72", CEO’s office of Blinderman Construction, Chicago, IL

Commission for Electra, 63" x 63", private collectors in Australia

Artist Residency Award - The Studios of Key West, FL

Artist Residency Award - Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts, Saratoga, WY

Ragdale Artist Residency, Lake Forest, IL

Stipend Award, CBRE, Inc. at Olympia Centre, Chicago, IL

Stipend award for use of photograph on book cover, Fordham University Press

2nd Place Award, 13th Regional Juried Exhibition, Freeport Art Museum, IL

ArtSlant 4th Showcase Winner - mixed-media category

FA 252
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Damian Loma
Instructor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Damian Loma has taught Graphic Design at UIC and NEIU. He works on community driven design projects with institutions. He has worked with museums, schools, non-profits, and neighborhood organizations.
Courses Taught
Graphic Design I
Graphic Design Survey
Research Interests
Damian is a graphic designer who explores community focused design, primarily by studying gentrification of neighborhoods in Chicago and abroad. After witnessing changes in his neighborhood of Andersonville he began an ongoing exploration of what builds community and the socio-economic forces that drive gentrification. This has resulted in the publication of books, pamphlets, exhibits and other experimental design projects. He is continuing to explore this topic through game design, video/sound montage, and human-centered research.

Master of Design, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art (Graphic Design), Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Nate Mathews
Associate Professor, Photography; Associate Chairperson
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Studio Experiences in Photography
Photography I
Photography II
Digital Manipulation (Photoshop)
Photographic Lighting
Historic And Alternative Photographic Processes
Photography Seminar
Senior Seminar and Exhibition
Research Interests
Photography, Unmanned Arial Vehicles, 3D printing, slip casting, the Cold War, and Brutalist Architecture.

Master of Fine Arts in Photography, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Selected Exhibitions

Visions of Utopia: SPE Midwest Chapter Members Exhibition, New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, New Harmony, Indiana

2024 Beloit and Vicinity Exhibition, Wright Museum, Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin

2024 Juried Art Exhibition, The Art Barn School of Art, Valparaiso, Indiana

Juror for Student Perspectives 2024, Perspective Gallery, Evanston, Illinois

Focus & Click, The Art Center Highland Park, Highland Park, Illinois

Year Eleven, Side Street Studios, Elgin, Illinois

Landscapes: Peculiar Interpretations, Midwest Nice Art (online)

Faculty Biennial, Fine Art Center Gallery, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois

Conglomeration, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois

Selects, Atlanta Photography Group, Atlanta, Georgia

Annual Silent Auction, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, Washington D.C.

No Place to Show, Springfield Art Association, Springfield, Illinois

Vicinity, Perspective Gallery, Evanston, Illinois

Year Nine, Side Street Studio Arts Gallery, Elgin, Illinois

Ersatz, Blackhawk College, Moline Illinois (solo)

Community Art Show, People Made Visible, Gallery 200, West Chicago, Illinois

Midwest Midwinter Exhibition,  Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Celebration of Art show, Gallery 200, People Made Visible, West Chicago, Illinois

Midwest SPE Exhibition, Brooks Stevens Gallery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Room FA 225 A/B/C
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m., and 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Main Campus
jaime in his office.
Instructor, Drawing and Painting
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5474
Jaime Mendoza’s paintings and drawings narrate an omnipresent of the self and other who is neither from here nor there.
Courses Taught
Art 170 B Studio Experiences: Painting
Art 170 G Studio Experiences: Drawing
Art 120 Drawing I
Art 220: Drawing II
Art 320: Drawing III
LLAS 109: Latino Art, Thought and Revolution in Chicago
Research Interests
Mendoza’s current research is rooted in Rasquachismo, an attitude and a sensibility, and secondarily a set of formal art qualities. His use of appropriated materials which are borrowed from a day-to-day context, he presents everyday objects as well as references to texts, paintings and drawings. Pompous writings and Utopian constructivist designs are juxtaposed with the trivial awkwardness of frustration, sexual desires, and archaic tropes that demonstrate how the self and other extend beyond their own subjective limits, cannibal versus civilized selves.

Master of Fine Arts in Studio Art, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Selected Publications

”Crowning the Selfie King”, Alicia Eler, www.hyperallergic.com

“MASTERS of  Today ‐117 Contemporary Artists,” p.57, Peter Russu.

“La Chamba, Drawings by Jaime Mendoza"

“Hola, mi nombre es Jaime Mendoza,” Mercedes Fernández, La Raza Newspaper.

"Siguiendo Un Sueño" Alberto Guzman,  El Otro Newspaper, Volume 1, No. 11.

“MICA exhibit offers artistic tale of two cities” Glenn McNatt, Baltimore Sun Newspaper.

“Local Artists in INTENSE Exhibition at the Hot House" Kari Lydersen, Street Wise, Issue 6.

Selected Exhibitions

Peeling off the Grey, National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago, Illinois

SHIKAAWA, Gallery 414, Fort Worth, Texas

Hot Buns and Blazing Artists, The Texas Theater, Dallas, Texas

Picturing Immigration, Galeria De La Raza, San Francisco, California

Digital Divide, VU Space - Victoria University, Victoria, Australia

Boston/Chicago, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, Maryland

Additional Information

Visual Artist Award, National Performance Network, New Orleans, LA

Individual Artist Grant, National Association of Latino Arts and Culture, Houston TX

Artist in Residence, Galería de La Raza, San Francisco, CA

Fellowship, ENLACE Leadership Institute, Chicago, IL

Room LWH 0031
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5474
Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Lauren Meranda looks into the camera in a black and white image.
Associate Professor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Lauren Meranda is a multi-disciplinary designer specializing in work for cultural institutions, social activism, civic engagement, and public memory through experimental media, collaborative storytelling, and interactive design for physical spaces.
Courses Taught
Graphic Design 1
Typography 1
Interactive Design: Web 1
Contemporary Design
Special Topics in Graphic Design
Print Production
Senior Exhibition in Graphic Design
Design in Nature
Research Interests
As a designer and producer of visual culture, Lauren Meranda strives to find means by which to let public memory emerge from the stories of the people it is bound to define. The projects and exhibits she works on seek to empower the individual to participate in the storytelling process and expand public memory to include previously unheard voices. Her exhibits utilize site for the interpretation and continuation of historical narratives by linking research, education, and social engagement into an interactive designed experience. Lauren currently runs Studio Brazen and collaborates with the National Public Housing Museum.

MDes, Graphic Design, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Bachelor of Fine Art, Visual Communication, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois

Selected Publications

Digesting Constructive Criticism: Practices for Not Becoming the Next Design Fail Meme / Columbia College Career Center ⁄ April 2018

Design Edu Today Podcast Ep. 45 / Featured Interview ⁄ April 2017

Selected Exhibitions

Chicago Design Through the Decades, Art on theMart, Chicago, Illinois

At Home: Ephemeral Monuments to Public Housing Residents, National Public Housing Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Looking Back: Chicago Design Milestones, Chicago Design Archive, Chicago, Illinois

History Lessons: Everyday Objects from Chicago, Public Housing National Public Housing Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Housing as a Human Right: Social Construction, National Public Housing Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: International Poster Exhibition, National Public Housing Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Public School: A Stockyard Institute Exhibition, Hyde Park Arts Center, Chicago, Illinois

Back to the Sandbox: Art and Radical Pedagogy, Reykjavík Art Museum, Iceland

Unfinished Business: 21st Century Home Economics, Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Report to the Public: An Untold Story of the Conservative Vice Lords, Art In These Times, Chicago, Illinois

Unfinished Business: Art Education, Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Redefining Democracy: Jane Addams and the Hull-House Settlement, Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Chicago, Illinois

Room FA 252B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Sign up through Calendly:
Main Campus
Ana Nieves working with RTI on location
Professor, Art History
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Art and architecture of the ancient Americas, specifically the Andean region.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Art History I
Ancient Mesoamerican Art and Architecture
Ancient South American Art and Architecture
Peru Study Tour
Art of Latin America (1810-present)
Art and Ritual
Research Interests
Andean art; Nasca and Paracas iconography; Peruvian rock art and geoglyphs

Ph.D. in Art History, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX

Master of Arts in Art History, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Bachelor of Arts in Art, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA

Selected Publications

“Pots, Petroglyphs, and Pathways: The Mythical Killer Whale in Nasca Art.” In Perspectives on Place, edited by Elizabeth McGoey and Jeanne Marie Teutonico. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago.

“The Seated Figure Iconographic Complex: The Definition Of A Descriptive Type In The Rock Art Of The Rio Grande De Nasca Drainage (Department Of Ica, Peru),” Rock Art Research, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 207-218.

"More Than Meets the Eye: A Study of Two Nasca Symbols," Andean Past, vol. 9, pp. 229-247.

“Reconstructing Ritual: Some Thoughts on the Location of Petroglyph Groups in the Nasca Valley, Peru,” in Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology, ed. by Elizabeth Robertson, Jeffery Seibert, Deepika Fernandez, and Marc Zender. Calgary and Albuquerque: University of Calgary Press and University of New Mexico Press, pp. 217-226.

Room FA 206A
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 2:15 - 2:45 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 10:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
(and by appointment)
Main Campus
Mary Porterfield
Senior Instructor, Painting
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Mary Porterfield​ has been teaching for 20 years at schools including NEIU, Arizona State University and the Harrington School of Design. She has exhibited at numerous venues and has work in several museum collections.
Courses Taught
Studio Experiences: Drawing
Studio Experiences: Painting
Painting II
Painting III
Painting IV
Research Interests
Porterfield’s drawings on layered, translucent paper are inspired by her mother’s struggle to care for her father who has Parkinsonism. The life-sized images, which are cut out and mounted to the wall, represent the substantiality of their difficulties and resilience. The trays are used as architectural elements to support her father as he walks, confining his small steps within their framework. Her mother bears the sole weight of his mobility, both literally and metaphorically. Painting on translucent paper allows her to progressively layer her parent’s struggles and that which is outwardly hidden.

Master of Fine Art, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO

Bachelor of Science, Doane University, Crete, NE

Selected Exhibitions

Hofheimer Gallery, Chicago, IL (solo)

Indiana University-Northwest, Gary, IN

Great River Road Museum of Contemporary Art, Potosi, WI

Packer-Schopf Gallery, Chicago, IL

Selected Group Exhibitions:

Third Midwest Open, Womanmade Gallery, Chicago, IL

Art on Paper, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC

Dubuque Biennial, Dubuque Museum of Art, Dubuque, IA

Sub(urban), Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, Il. Evanston Biennial, Evanston, IL

Additional Information

Museum Purchase Award, Art on Paper Exhibition, Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, NC

City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events Grant (DCASE)

Juror’s Choice Award, Evanston Biennial, Evanston Art Center, Evanston, IL

Project Development Grant, Illinois Arts Council

Dean Alan Olson Purchase Award, Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL

Center Program for Professional Development, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL

Vermont Studio Center, Artist Residency and Artist’s Grant, Johnson, VT

Professional Development Grant, Illinois Artist Council Puffin Foundation Grant

Puffin Foundation Grant

Ragdale Foundation Residency

FA 252
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Fall 2020 Virtual Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday: 3:30-4 p.m.
Main Campus
Nancy Rosenheim
Nancy Lu
Instructor, Graphic Design and Foundations
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Rosenheim’s projects span sculpture, works on paper, painting and printmaking. Her fictional landscapes and hybrid beasts explore themes of environmental degradation, aging and the flesh.
Courses Taught
Drawing III
Drawing IV
Two-Dimensional Design
Research Interests
My fictions reside where the grotesque meets the flamboyant, where beasts express human emotions and roam an earth in the throes of environmental collapse. My vision is decidedly imagist and steeped in material exploration.

I fashion beasts out of features borrowed from animal, human and mythological beings, to personify psychological and emotional attributes. I am drawn to the homeliest creatures – rodents, pigeons, and worms – for they embody the messy feelings, vulnerabilities and unleashed instincts that connect and humanize us.

Master of Fine Arts, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY

Selected Exhibitions
  • Harpy· Human· Hybrid· Beast, Epiphany Center for the Arts, Chicago, IL
  • Gender Fluid: Evolving Identities, Studio 88 Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • CSI x ALMA, Alma Gallery, Chicago, IL
  • Do Ostriches Really Bury their Heads in the Sand?, Dickson Window Project Space, Sugar Grove, IL
  • Mystical, Mythical, Magical, Robert T. Wright Community Gallery of Art, Grayslake, IL
  • Vivarium, Slow Gallery, Chicago, IL
  • Painting at Night, Collar Works Gallery, Troy, NY
  • Sculpture Invasion, Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines, IL
  • Collectively Shifting, Bridgeport Art Center, Chicago, IL
Additional Information
  • Artforum Review
  • Studio 88 Artists Residency, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Artist Residency, Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, IL
  • Center Program, Hyde park Art Center, Chicago, IL
  • Founding Director of The Bike Room and TBR@, an artist-run project space and popup gallery. Over 50 artists exhibited.

Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
11:00 a.m.-Noon, M/W and by appointment
FA 106A (right next to the A+D office)
Main Campus
image of Vida Sačić, long brown haired woman wearing a black shirt
Professor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Typography and the history of letterforms, taught using both digital and analog methods.
Courses Taught
Typography 2
Graphic Design 1
Graphic Design (survey)
Contemporary Design
Studio in Graphic Design
Special Topics in Graphic Design
Print Production
Writing Intensive Program: Professional Practices In GD
Writing Intensive Program: Professional Practices In Art
Senior exhibition in Graphic Design
Research Interests
Working with wood and metal type in letterpress printing to explore gender, immigration, and labor via the printed word.

Master of Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana

Selected Publications

Ruggie Saunders, Cathie and Chiplis, Martha, For the Love of Letterpress: A Printing Handbook for Instructors and Students, published by Bloomsbury

Chen Design Associates, Fingerprint No. 2: The Evolution of Handmade Elements in Graphic Design, published by HOW Book

Selected Exhibitions

Typeforce 12, Chicago, IL

Press & Clay, Robert F. DiCaprio Art Gallery 
at Moraine Valley Community College, Palos Hills, IL (solo)

Acute Accents, Catich Gallery, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, IA (solo)

Letters Home, Kerredge Gallery, Copper County Community Arts Center, Hancock, MI (solo)

Correlation Matrix: Vida Sačić and David Wolske, DeVos Art Museum, Marquette, MI

Type as Image: Lynne Avadenka, Purgatory Pie Press and Vida Sačić, Art Mora Gallery, New York City, NY

New Impressions in Letterpress, Hamilton Wood Type Museum, Two Rivers, WI

Stay Golden: works by Darren Oberto, Monica Kass Rogers, Vida Sačić, and Ryan Segedi, 50,000 ft, Chicago, IL

Žene? – Žene!, City Museum, Varaždin, Croatia

Animation + Printmaking, The Center for Book Arts, New York City, NY

Graphic Content: works by Alex Jovanovich, Nicole Pérez, Coco Picard and Vida Sačić, The Bike Room, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Residency, Artists Print, Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), Rochester, NY

Panel presentation, ATypI International Typographic Conference (online)

Presentation, The Silent People Print: A Glance at the Printing History of Croatia, Makeready: A Letterpress Symposium for Educators (online)

Illinois Individual Artist Grant, Chicago, IL

Residency, Penland School of Craft, Penland, NC

Panel presentation, Letterpress Printing in Chicago: Its Current State, History, and Legacy, CAA conference, Chicago, IL

Presentation, A Tool for Understanding: Giving Voice to Diverse, Non-traditional, and Low-income Students Through Teaching Letterpress Printing, TypeCon, Minneapolis, MN

Presentation, A Tool for Understanding, Makeready: A Letterpress Symposium for Educators, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD

Panel presentation, Unconventional Conventional: Letterpress Printing in Design Education, The University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Design Education Summit, Kutztown, PA

Presentation, Traveling Home, Makeready: A Letterpress Symposium for Educators, Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, Two Rivers, WI

Residency, Copper County Community Arts Center, Hancock, MI

Windgate Residency Project, Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, Two Rivers, WI

Residency, Center for Book and Paper Arts, Columbia College, Chicago, IL

Room FA 226C
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday: 2:30-3:00 p.m. and 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Main Campus
William Sieger leads a group of students on a study tour
Professor, Art History
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Introduction to Art History I
Introduction to Art History II
Contemporary Art
WIP: Methods of Research in A rt History
Medieval Arts of the West
Painting of the Italian Renaissance
Painting of the United States of America
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Art
Nineteenth Century European Art
20th Century European Art
Research Interests
German Expressionist painting and graphic arts, American park and cemetery design, 20th century European and American Art, 19th century American painting and graphic arts

Ph.D. Art History, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign and Urbana, IL

Master of Arts, Art History and Museum Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Champaign and Urbana, IL

Bachelor of Arts, Art History, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Bachelor of Science, Studio Art, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI

Selected Publications

“Immigrant Culture and Community Conflict at Bohemian National Cemetery in Chicago,”
Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, vol. 114, no. 1, spring 2021, pp. 35-68.

Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. 30 vols. s.v. “Nolde, Emil,” Berlin: De Gruyter
Publishing House, 2020.

“Emil Nolde’s Biblical Paintings of 1909,” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, no. 2, 2010, pp. 255-

“Emil Nolde’s Religious Paintings of 1909 and the Beginnings of Modernism in Germany,”
Proceeding for the School of Visual Arts Twentieth Annual National Conference: Reassessing
the Modern, Modernity and Modernism, New York: School of Visual Arts, 2007.

“Anti-clerics and Commemoration at Bohemian National Cemetery of Chicago,” Proceedings of the Constructions of Death, Mourning, and Memory Conference, Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey: The WAPACC Organization, 2006.

“Vita Activa/Vita Contemplativa: Emil Nolde’s Legend: St. Mary of Egypt,” The Burlington
Magazine, February, 2005, pp. 100-107.

“Narrative, Allegory, and Commentary in Emil Nolde’s Legend: St. Mary of Egypt.” Proceeding
for the School of Visual Arts Eighteenth Annual National Conference: Art and Story, New York:
School of Visual Arts, 2005.

“John Chandler Bancroft and Art in Newport and New England in the 1860s,” Newport History:
The Journal of the Newport Historical Society, vol. 71, part 2, no. 247 (2002), pp. 36-48.

“Whistler and John Chandler Bancroft,” The Burlington Magazine, October, 1994, pp. 675-682.

American Master Prints from the Collection of Marian and Belverd E. Needles, Jr. Exhibition
catalogue and essay, DePaul University Art Gallery, May, 1991.

“American Master Prints from the Needles Collection,” The Journal of the Print World,
Summer, 1991, pp. 10-11.

Selected Exhibitions

American Master Prints from Whistler to Benton from the Collection of Marian and Belverd E. Needles Jr., DePaul University Art Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

Photographs by Imogen Cunningham, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Room FA 105A
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Tuesday: 8:45-9:15 a.m.; 11 a.m.-noon; 3-4 p.m.
Thursday: 8:45-9:15 a.m.; 11 a.m.-noon
and by appointment
Main Campus
Neva Sills
Instructor, Drawing and Painting
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Neva Sills received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from the University of Iowa and her BFA in Painting from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her work has been shown throughout the Midwest in group and solo exhibitions as well as collaboratively with The Moving Crew. Sills has taught in higher ed for nearly two decades. In her classes, she creates an environment ready for collaboration where the language of materials maybe explored.
Courses Taught
Drawing II
Drawing III
Drawing IV
WIP 395: Professional Practices in Studio Art
Studio Experiences: Drawing
Studio Experiences: Painting
Research Interests
Sills’ works on paper combine figurative and landscape elements to explore the construction of and relationship between nature and identity.

Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Selected Exhibitions

Sisters, Case Edgerton Studios, St. Paul, MN

Roots: New Growth, Center for Visual Arts, Wausau, WI

Big Little Art Show, Guenzel Gallery, Fish Creek, WI

Fall Feels, Ralph Arnold Gallery, Loyola University, Chicago IL Water, James May Gallery, Algoma WI

Supplies for Viable Living, Catich Gallery, Saint Abrose University, Davenport IA

Conspire: Collaboration, Cooperation, Collection, Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts, Tallahassee, FL

Exquisite Corpse: Head to Toe and End to End, Francis Hardy Gallery, Ephraim, WI

Additional Information

Resident in Printmaking (with The Moving Crew), Anchor Graphic and the Center for the Book at Columbia College, Chicago, IL

Panel Participant (with The Moving Crew), CAA/SGCI Print Installation Panel, College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL

Room FA 105B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Woman with curly blond hair and dark glasses
Instructor, Art History
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
19th and 20th century art, architecture and design
Courses Taught
Arth 106 Introduction To Art History I
Research Interests
Late 19th and early 20th century art and architecture in Europe and North America.

Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
M.A. Stanford University, Stanford, California
B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 

Selected Publications

“The Ho-o-den at the World’s Columbian Exposition: A Trans-Pacific Dialogue” Journal of Japonisme, vol. 8, no. 2., Autumn 2023.
“Daniel Cottier, Designer, Decorator, Dealer”, Nineteenth Century Art Worldwide 22, no. 1, (Spring 2023).
“Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt and Modernist Chicago” in B. J. O. Nordfeldt, American Internationalist, ed. Gabriel P. Weisberg, (Minneapolis: Weisman Art Museum, 2021) Exhibition catalogue.
“Harvesting Machinery Takes Command: The Earliest Internationalist Painting of B. J. O. Nordfeldt” SOURCE, Notes in the History of Art, Winter 2020: 121- 130. [University of Chicago Press]
Julien Dupré catalogue raisonné. In association with Rehs Galleries, Inc., New York. On-going since 2014. See: juliendupre.org

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
April Wilkins
Instructor, Photography
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Studio Experiences: Photography
Research Interests

Master of Fine Arts, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN

Bachelor of Fine Arts, Utah State University, Logan, UT

Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Shencheng Xu
Professor, Sculpture
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Shencheng Xu has had numerous solo and group exhibitions, and completed dozens of outdoor public sculptures both in the United States and in China. He uses a variety of media and techniques in his works, both traditional and nontraditional.
Courses Taught
Sculpture I
Sculpture II
Sculpture III
Sculpture IV
Three Dimensional Design
Studio Experiences: Sculpture
Research Interests
Shencheng created a series of sculptural characters that he used in various combinations and developed into his art works. Most of these character images combine human forms with natural forms. His art works express the relationship between man and nature in different cultural backgrounds. He believes that art will help of us to see more connections between ourselves and the natural world. He hopes that his art works will not only bring joy to people but also make people think, understand each other more and respect the mother nature.

Master of Fine Art, Rinehart School of Sculpture, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD

Bachelor of Fine Art, Sculpture Department, Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Shenyang, China

Selected Exhibitions

The 3rd - 21st Annual Chicago Sculpture Exhibit, Chicago, IL

The CRE8IV Sculpture Biennial, Rockford, IL

The Ronan Park Public Sculpture Biennial, Chicago, IL

Sculpture Invasion, Koehnline Museum of Art, Des Plaines, IL 

The Bridgeport Art Center Public Sculpture Exhibit, Chicago, IL

Shencheng Xu Retrospective, Johnsonese Gallery, Chicago, IL

The Garden of Eden, Gallery Uno, Chicago, IL 

Little Life, Knobe Gallery, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Selected Public Sculptures


“Gourd Man I” and “Rise Up”, Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce collection, Chicago, IL

“Catch Up”, City of Oak Park public art collection, Oak Park, IL

“Fly with the Wind”, COTELAC LMSF-WEBSTER LLC collection, Chicago, IL

“Wonderful Tonight”, Black Ensemble Theater, Chicago, IL

“A Song of Joy”, Avoca West Elementary School, Glenview, IL

“Gourd Man II”, Village of Skokie Public Art Collection, Skokie, IL

“Our City”, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

“Ever Alert”, Elm Place School, Highland Park, IL


Room FA 215B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 9:30-11:30 a.m. and by appointment
Main Campus