Angela Davis Fegan: "Better Than I Imagined"

Aug. 26-Sept. 20
Reception: 6:00-9:00 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30

"Better Than I Imagined" is a solo exhibition featuring Chicago artist Angela Davis Fegan. The works in the show, which include paintings, drawings, letterpress prints, and printed wearable garments, examine these processes as instruments of queer desire that conflate the subjectivity of the artist and their subject. Each material and object reiterating and repeating the necessity of bodily autonomy, agency and right to self determination. The subjects represented in each portrait document how these relationships each opened new means for the artist to situate herself in a world that violently dehumanizes Black subjectivity. The collective result of "Better Than I Imagined" is a panoramic view of the shared, liminal consciousness of queer female relationships, self-made community, and the lasting reveries so crucial to the Black lesbian political imagination. Moreover, the women included in the show have strong ties to Chicago and its status as a hub of Black cultural output. This embodied expanse of expression has something to offer everyone as we all seek care and protection in this increasingly precarious time.

2024-2025 Season


Fall 2024

Angela Davis Fegan: "Better Than I Imagined"

Aug. 26-Sept. 30
Reception: 6:00-9:00 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30

"Better Than I Imagined" is a panoramic view of the shared, liminal consciousness of queer female relationships, self-made community, and the lasting reveries so crucial to the Black lesbian political imagination.

Nayeon Yang: "Inverse Proportion: Art As (Not) Labor"

Sept. 30-Oct. 25

Inverse Proportion: Art as (not) Labor realizes art practice as practical “work.” Yang discusses the inherited social framework that fails to recognize artists’ labor and their rights to get paid.

Colin Fleck: "Hell and High Water"

Nov. 1-29 

"Hell and High Water" connects a storm from the artist's past with the cultural storms of today.  Multifaceted in execution, the show contains paintings, drawings, prints and installation work.

Student Holiday Art Sale

Dec. 10-12

A sale of unique holiday gifts created by Northeastern Art + Design students. All proceeds go directly to the students.


Spring 2025

NEIU Art + Design Faculty Exhibition

Jan. 21-Feb. 14

A Biennial showcasing the work of NEIU Art + Design Faculty across a diverse range of mediums.

Jeremy Carter and Jenny Halpern: "Shadow Between" 

Curated by Dennissa Young

Feb. 24 -March 21

Displaying the visual language of two Chicago-based artists, this show leans into the themes of time, decay, intimacy and materiality as meaning.

Annual Art + Design Juried Student Exhibition

March 31-April 25

A juried exhibition of work in all media created by Northeastern students with a declared major in Studio Art or Graphic Design or a declared minor in Interaction Design, Photography or Studio Art. 

Tulika Ladsariya: "The Shadow's Day in the Sun"

May 5-30

Using shadows to symbolize the unseen yet omnipresent, Ladsariya explores connections to the earth through ritualistic practice, ecology, and the material and mystical qualities of the land as a forager, immigrant, and nurturer.

Summer 2024

Sofía Fernández Díaz: "Casi visible"

June 6-June 27

Díaz’s latest exhibition explores how light, translucency and close observation can play with our perception, offering new ways to explore what is — or almost is — around us.