brown haired woman with glasses
Instructor, Art Appreciation
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Eloise Heinrich has thirteen years of experience in ceramics and uses multiple techniques to create her sculptures. She teaches all areas of ceramics including, slab building, coiling, wheel throwing, pinch pot, mold making, glazing, and kiln firing. She expands on technical and conceptual advancement as well as the history of artists and techniques.
Courses Taught
Art and Society
Research Interests
Eloise Heinrich's interests revolve around storytelling, mysticism, and the curiosity around the connections we form. Her research involves a wide range of history, folklore, ritual, and nature. Since her references come from such a wide berth, she uses multiple techniques in creating her sculptures. Her practice focuses on heavy surface design and large scale sculpture to entice the viewer to live in the world where these objects exist.

Masters of Fine Art, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Bachelors of Art, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, Illinois 

Selected Exhibitions

Harper Faculty Show, Harper College Fine Art Gallery, Palatine, IL 

GVSU Ceramics Forum Exhibition, NCECA Conference, Cincinnati, OH 

NIU Student and Faculty Exhibition, DeKalb, IL 

Spring Happening, Next Step Gallery, Ferndale, MI 

NEIU Alumni Exhibition, NEIU Fine Art Gallery, Chicago, IL 

CAA Graduate Degree Exhibition, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI 

Tableworks, Bswing Gallery, Minneapolis, MN

Additional Information

Advanced Mentorship Program, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass, CO 

Siren Hotel Commission, Detroit, MI

Office Hours
Thursday: 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Instructor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Izze Norman is a graphic designer specializing in bookmaking and RISO printing.
Courses Taught
Senior Seminar and Exhibition in Graphic Design
Research Interests
They produce work that explores queerness, the body as a commodity, and the nature of desire. They are interested in exploring the influences of personal identity within the form of graphic design.

Master of Design, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois 

Selected Exhibitions

LA Art Book Fair 2023, Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, CA 

Chicago Publishers Fair: Paper Jam, Co-Prosperity, Chicago, IL

Office Hours
By appointment.
Main Campus
Image of Jess, face with brown hair in a cardboard cut out of the shape of a body.
Program Assistant
Art + Design
Jess Bass (she/her) uses play as both a process and aesthetic to create mimetic installations and performances.

MFA Fine Arts, Sculpture, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
B.A. Liberal Arts, Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts


Delirium Reloaded, Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, USA
Sock Drive, Chicago Public Library, Chicago, USA
When Souls Stick, Comfort Station, Chicago, USA
Amuleto, The Franklin, Chicago, USA
Continuous Span, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, USA
Ullrpaaaiiillllgggrrrrrhrhekoko, The Plan, Chicago, USA
PLAY/GROUND, Buffalo RiverWorks, New York, USA
Springboard, Mayfield, Chicago, USA
Life Work, Tiny Table Gallery, Chicago, USA

Additional Information





Bunker Projects, Pittsburgh, USA
Ellis-Beauregard Foundation, Maine, USA
HydePark Art Center Bridge Program, Chicago, USA

Time Out, Music Video, Stuck
Ferry, Music Video, Moontype


Room FA 105 B
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicao, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-4:40 p.m.
Woman with curly blond hair and dark glasses
Instructor, Art History
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
19th and 20th century art, architecture and design
Courses Taught
Arth 106 Introduction To Art History I
Research Interests
Late 19th and early 20th century art and architecture in Europe and North America.

Ph.D. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
M.A. Stanford University, Stanford, California
B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 

Selected Publications

“The Ho-o-den at the World’s Columbian Exposition: A Trans-Pacific Dialogue” Journal of Japonisme, vol. 8, no. 2., Autumn 2023.
“Daniel Cottier, Designer, Decorator, Dealer”, Nineteenth Century Art Worldwide 22, no. 1, (Spring 2023).
“Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt and Modernist Chicago” in B. J. O. Nordfeldt, American Internationalist, ed. Gabriel P. Weisberg, (Minneapolis: Weisman Art Museum, 2021) Exhibition catalogue.
“Harvesting Machinery Takes Command: The Earliest Internationalist Painting of B. J. O. Nordfeldt” SOURCE, Notes in the History of Art, Winter 2020: 121- 130. [University of Chicago Press]
Julien Dupré catalogue raisonné. In association with Rehs Galleries, Inc., New York. On-going since 2014. See:

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
black and white image of woman with short hair in a collared shirt with anchor pattern.
Instructor, Photography
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Photography I
Digital Manipulation
Photography Seminar
Research Interests
Jennifer Murray is a Chicago-based artist, curator, and educator. She is an Instructor of Fine Arts at Loyola University Chicago and teaches courses in photography. Additionally, she is the Executive Director of Filter Photo where she directs the planning of Filter Photo Festival as well as programming at Filter Space gallery. She is a founding member of the curatorial collective The Exhibition Project, which curates photography related exhibitions engaging new audiences with emerging artists. Her research and professional practice spans photography based visual projects and curatorial projects. Her visual work utilizes both original images and photographic archives as she examines our cultural relationships and histories with objects.

Professor Murray's work has been exhibited at Hillyer Art Space, D.C.; New Orleans Photo Alliance, LA; The Center for Fine Art Photography, CO; Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography, MI, and Gallery 19, IL, among others. She has lectured widely on various photography subjects and been awarded grants from the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Illinois Arts Council Agency. She has an MFA in photography from Columbia College Chicago.

M.F.A., Columbia College Chicago
B.A., Loyola University Chicago

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Image of Daniel Brown
Instructor, Graphic Design
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Daniel Brown is a multi-disciplinary designer and visual artist who produces explorations of Black queer experience. His research and printed works explore language and coded signals while studying power, race, consumerism, and sexuality.
Courses Taught
Studio in Graphic Design
Research Interests
A design educator, he encourages critical discussions about identity and contemporary American culture. Through his practice, he innovates learning communities, using design and publishing to showcase diverse perspectives and, in the process, build empathy and open public dialogues. With aspirations of establishing a publishing house and reasserting the responsibility of the classroom in society, he imagines new ways of making sense of the world through reading.

University of Illinois Chicago, MDES in Graphic Design, Chicago, IL

University of Kansas, BA in Architecture, Lawrence, KS

Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Image of Millicent Kennedy
Fine Arts Center Gallery Director
Art + Design
College of Arts and Sciences
Courses Taught
Research Interests
Millicent Kennedy is a Chicago-based artist and curator, their art practice collaborates with materials and time through performance, fiber and print. The themes explored in their work often pivot on the tension between labor and impermanence.

Master of Fine Arts, Museum Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, IL

Selected Exhibitions

Misfit Muses, Belong Gallery, Chicago, IL

Provisions: Labor and Luxury, Charles Allis Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI

Life Inside – Still, Roman Susan Gallery, Chicago, IL


Connect: Collect, Resonator Institute, Norman, OK

Relic, Remedy and Ritual, Heaven Gallery, Chicago, IL

Additional Information

Lillstreet Artist in Residence | Textiles Department | Chicago, IL

Terrain Exhibitions Artist Residency | Springfield, IL

Anette Storefront Residency | Roman Susan Gallery | Chicago, IL

Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: Noon-3 p.m.
Main Campus