Rita Moreno (photo by Mark Hill)

Rita Moreno to be Northeastern Commencement speaker

Award-winning actress Rita Moreno will be the speaker for Northeastern Illinois University’s spring

Haleh Emrani to deliver inaugural Mossadegh lecture

Haleh Emrani, an entrepreneur, engineer, historian and philanthropist, will deliver the inaugural talk in Northeastern Illinois University’s

Music professor donates collection to Yale archive

Elyse Mach, professor emerita and piano instructor at Northeaste

Future Health Professionals hosted a blood drive on the main campus on March 30-31.

Noteworthy at Northeastern: Taking action

The calendar just got packed: Northeastern Illinois University is planning a diversity conference, the launch of a disability program, an economic inequality initiative and

Northeastern plans launch of (Dis)ability Project

Biology is not René Talbot’s best subject. But one day her biology professor gave a lecture on amino acids and then displayed a bright, big children’s toy.

Northeastern Launches Economic Inequality Initiative

Northeastern Illinois University will launch its participation in the Economic Inequality Initiative on April 6.

Northeastern establishes NSHMBA’s first undergraduate chapter

With 10 founding members, Northeastern Illinois University has established the first undergraduate chapter in the history of the