Graduation Requirements

Undergraduate students or second bachelor’s degree students need a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to graduate. Master’s degree students need a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to graduate. Refer to the Academic Catalog for the semester/academic year for which you were admitted for specific graduation and degree requirements.

Applying for Graduation

Northeastern has three graduations per year: May, August and December.

Undergraduate students and second bachelor’s degree students must first complete an Undergraduate Application for Graduation and then obtain proper Academic Course Record forms from their advisor(s) for major(s) and minor(s) (if applicable) once students 1) have earned a minimum of 85 hours of credit, and 2) have been formally accepted by their major department and minor department (if applicable). Next submit the completed undergraduate graduation application by the published deadline to one of the following:

  • By email to from your NEIU email account
  • In person to Enrollment Services (Room D 101)
  • By mail to:

    Northeastern Illinois University
    Office of Enrollment Services
    5500 North St. Louis Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60625

Note: Please read the application for graduation carefully. Contact about the $50 graduation application fee. Be sure to reach out to your academic advisor or the Graduation Evaluations office if you have any questions.

Master’s degree students must complete the Application for Graduation for Master’s Student and the submit the completed application by the published deadline to one of the following:

  • By email to from your NEIU email account
  • In person to Enrollment Services (Room D 101)
  • By mail to:

    Northeastern Illinois University
    Office of Enrollment Services
    5500 North St. Louis Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60625

Note: Please read the application for graduation carefully. Contact about the $50 graduation application fee. Be sure to reach out to your academic advisor or the Graduate Records office if you have any questions.

Graduation Application Filing Deadlines

Month of Anticipated Completion of Degree Requirements Undergraduate/2nd Bachelor’s Degree Filing Deadline Master’s Degree Filing Deadline
May Aug. 1 until Sept. 15 Sept. 1 until Nov. 1
August Nov. 1 until Jan. 15 Feb. 1 until April 1
December April 1 until May 15 March 15 until May 15

Note: Master’s students completing a thesis must submit the final, approved thesis to Graduate Records (Room D 101D) no later than the official last class day as published in the Academic Catalog. More information is available in the Thesis Manual.

Need to Change Your Graduation Date After Applying for Graduation?

If you are unable to complete all graduation and degree requirements by the last official day of the semester in which you anticipate to graduate, you will be dropped from graduation for that semester and you will be required to submit a Change of Graduation Date form for your new semester of graduation. The Change of Graduation Date form is available for download, or you may obtain the form from Enrollment Services (Room D 101) or the Graduate Records Office (Room D 101D).


Northeastern Illinois University has two Commencement ceremonies per year: May and December. Information regarding the participation in Commencement is sent by the Student Union, Event, and Conference Services Office to all students who have applied for graduation by the appropriate deadline. Although you are not required to participate in the Commencement ceremony in order to graduate, we welcome your participation so that you can be publicly recognized for your achievement!

Students who apply for August or December graduation are eligible to participate in the December Commencement ceremony. Students who apply for May graduation are eligible to participate in the May Commencement ceremony.

If you are an undergraduate or second bachelor’s degree student who wishes to participate in a Commencement ceremony other than the one for which you are eligible, you should contact the Dean’s Office of your College (College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business and Technology, or the Goodwin College of Education) for directions on how to petition to participate in a different Commencement ceremony. If you are a master’s student and wish to participate in a Commencement ceremony other than the one for which you are eligible, you should contact the College of Graduate Studies and Research Dean’s Office for directions on how to petition to participate in a different Commencement ceremony.

Diplomas/Transcripts Showing Your Degree Posted

Transcripts showing your degree posted are available 6 weeks after the official end of the semester in which you applied for graduation.  Diploma distribution begins another 4 weeks after degree lines are posted.  You will be notified via your NEIU email account when degree lines are posted, and again when diplomas are available.  Diplomas are not released until the $50 graduation fee is paid and all holds and/or indebtedness to Northeastern have been resolved. 

Degree Verification Letters

Should you need verification that you have earned a degree in advance of the degree being posted to your Northeastern transcript, you should submit a Degree Verification Letter request so that we can honor your request.