Studying abroad is an opportunity of a lifetime. No student will return from this experience unchanged. Northeastern Illinois University provides a variety of study abroad opportunities depending on your situation, which can range from week-long to year-long options. You can apply now or contact us for more information.

If you would like to learn more about how you can study abroad (e.g., semester programs, summer programs and study tours), please fill out this form.

Once you fill the form, someone from the Office of International Programs will reach out to you.

Basic Program Types Offered 

1. Exchange Programs

Students can spend a fall, spring or summer semester(s) or one full academic year at one of our International Partner Universities.

What will you get out of studying abroad?

  • Experience living in a different country
  • Learn a new language or enhance your language skills
  • Gain multicultural skills

Important Logistical Info:

  • Pay Northeastern tuition and fees to us
  • This means that, in most cases, all your regular financial aid benefits should apply
  • Classes abroad must be pre-approved before you leave Northeastern

To apply, please fill out the Study Abroad Nomination Application. Once it is completed, the Study Abroad Advisor at the Office of International Programs will contact you.

2. Faculty-Led Study Tours 

Study tours provide an opportunity to engage in study abroad for a short period of time. Engage in a rare opportunity and register for a course that has combined travel with the course of study, and obtain credit hours for it. See what faculty-led tours will be held this academic year.

What is a study tour?

  • Study tours are faculty-led programs that last between one and six weeks.
  • The professor has tied their course objective with a study tour so students have an out of classroom experience.
  • Study tours usually take place during the school breaks or in the summer session.

Financing Opportunities

There are many ways to obtain funding to study abroad. If you plan to study abroad, especially in a partner university, all the benefits of your financial aid may apply. There are also many scholarships available to study abroad. Make sure you search online for more options. Just type “study abroad scholarships” into any web browser. You can also find scholarships at the preferred country’s consulate/embassy in the U.S.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is one of the largest scholarships to help undergraduate students, who are receiving the Federal Pell Grant. They are awarded yearly, make sure to apply if you are interested in studying abroad.