Adapted for and adopted by the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, September 20, 2011; Revised and adopted by the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, April 18, 2012; Revised and adopted by the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, February 25, 2014.


Teaching is one of the most valuable professions in a civilized community. The role of teachers at any level of education and instruction - from kindergarten through university - is extremely important for the advancement and welfare of the community at large. Efficient, effective and impressive teaching and education do not depend only on the academic qualification of the teacher. The academic qualification should be embedded in a broader social context and reinforced by professional integrity where behavioral, attitudinal and moral values and mores are invaluable. This joint academic and professional integrity will, undoubtedly, render the education of our younger generations healthier and more productive. It is because of this vision of our mission in teacher education, the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department (EICS) in the Goodwin College of Education (GCOE, has developed the following professional standards of academic and non-academic performance and behavior for students to observe and adhere to. The main mission of EICS as a unit of the GCOE is to prepare a generation of teachers who are reflective professionals qualified to build learning communities.


The following professional standards for students' performance and behavior have been developed in line with all the university documents pertaining to academic and non-academic standards which are included in NEIU's Academic Catalog and Student Survival Kit. The Student Survival Kit is a packet of information distributed to new students containing the following documents:

  • University Student Conduct Code
  • Policy on Services for Students with Disabilities
  • Grade Appeal Policy/Procedures
  • General Policy Statement on Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
  • Safety and Security Information Report
  • The Basics: Everything You Need to Know

These standards have been further refined to satisfy the professional standards determined by the EICS Department. Failure to achieve these standards in a satisfactory manner and timely fashion will result in a lower grade and/or removal from the professional degree, endorsement or certification programs. Students in EICS courses are expected to abide by all policies and procedures contained in the above documents covering academic and non-academic performance and behavior.


A. Students in EICS are expected to demonstrate and maintain a satisfactory level of academic competency in all courses and experiences pertinent to their preservice preparation.

B. Students in EICS are expected to demonstrate appropriate level of proficiency in all language skills and subskills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, handwriting etc.) as required by NEIU, GCOE and EICS and commensurate with those required by competent teachers.

C. Students in EICS are expected to demonstrate, in addition to the above skills, appropriate professional, affective and physical competencies necessary for long-term successful and constructive interaction and job performance in different teaching, classroom and field situations.

D. Students in EICS are expected to demonstrate classroom attentiveness, disciplined cooperation, interaction, and appropriately timed participation and civility.

E. Students in EICS are expected to demonstrate awareness of all the information stated in the above NEIU, GCOE and EICS documents, especially the NEIU Student Conduct Code, pertaining to Academic Honesty, Plagiarism, Fabrication, and Cheating.


Students in EICS courses are expected to strictly adhere to the following non-academic professional standards of performance and behavior:

A. Demonstrate awareness of all the non-academic misconduct cases cited and defined in the NEIU Student Conduct Code, such as creation of false information, forgery of documents, abusive/ threatening conduct, theft, possession/use/sale of narcotics, unauthorized possession of alcohol and weapons, harassment etc.

B. There will be no evidence of the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol in the student's behavior, appearance or any other form, as judged by the instructor(s).

C. No tardiness and lack of dependability will be tolerated in any University or other professional circumstance, as judged by the instructor. These include: observations, clinical assignments, appointments, exams and quizzes, class attendance, group assignments, field trips, lesson plans, lesson reports, and any activity or performance in the pursuit of professional program or certification accomplishment.

D. No absenteeism will be tolerated. If an emergency arises, the student will notify the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to judge whether or not a situation is an emergency.

E. No profanity or other inappropriate written or spoken language, as judged by the instructor, will be tolerated.

F. Students' interaction with learners will be nurturing and appropriate, as judged by the instructor(s).

G. Students will appear dressed and groomed in a manner appropriate to the profession of teaching, and will set an example for learners to emulate. A student's appearance will be acceptable, clean and neat. Revealing or dirty clothing or inappropriate make-up is not allowed. At times the instructor may require specific dress, such as no blue jeans.

H. No evidence of student socio-cultural, ethnic, religious, or racial bias will be tolerated. Evidence of student prejudice, in words or action, or of sexism on the part of the student, will not be tolerated. The student shall refrain from imposing personal religious or political views upon his/her colleagues, professors and pupils and shall exhibit a broad-minded, tolerant attitude toward other groups and individuals.

I. Students will be dependable, as demonstrated in long-term settings.

J. Students interacting with mentors and other school personnel shall be civil. Each student must accept advisement and criticism of tasks performed in a respectful manner.

IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES (Revised and adopted, Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, April 18, 2012. Revised and adopted, Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies Department, Tuesday, February 25, 2014.)

The faculty and staff of the Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies (EICS) Department and of the Goodwin College of Education (GCOE) will monitor students’ adherence to the Assessment of Student Conduct and Attitudes in either academic or non-academic realms as described in the Assessment of Student Conduct and Attitudes Checklist (dated January 21, 2011, amended for EICS use September 2011; amended February 2014). The following procedures will be applied as needed. All involved parties will maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality throughout the application of these procedures.

a. The faculty member or staff observing a student’s conduct or attitudes that fail to meet expected standards shall complete the Assessment of Student Conduct and Attitudes Checklist and forward it to the EICS Department Chair.

b. The Department Chair will refer the reported incident to the Department’s Professional Standards Committee (PSC) Chair. The Department Chair shall inform the student in writing of the incident and the referral to the PSC within two working days concurrently. The Department Chair also will describe for the student the role and proceedures of the PSC and the student’s rights and responsibilities within the process.

c. The PSC meets on the first Tuesday and the third Thursday every month during the University activity hours. The PSC and its designees shall investigate and review referred incidents. This review may include but may not be limited to 1) review of relevant documentation, 2) interview with the student(s) involved, 3) interview with the faculty or staff involved, 4) interview with other appropriate University personnel.

d. Upon completion of investigation, the PSC will render a recommendation to the Department Chair regarding the student's academic status and standing in his/her program(s) within three working days. The Department Chair shall then render a determination of the student's academic status and standing in his/her program(s) within three working days. The Department Chair shall inform in writing the student, the PSC Chair, the involved faculty or staff, and the appropriate Department Chair in other colleges of the University of his/her determination.

e. The student, faculty, or staff may appeal the Department Chair’s decision to the Office of the Dean of the GCOE. The appeal must be initiated within 10 working days of the date of the Department Chair’s notification.

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