Graduate advising list 

For a list of advisors for our graduate programs, please visit our Graduate Advisors List page. 

Enrollment Services Contact information 

Graduate Admissions 

Admissions questions: anything about the application itself, application processing, communications with prospective students, you may contact or the following representatives:

Graduate Records 

Any questions regarding a student's record, you may contact or the following representatives:

Financial Aid 

Any questions students have about their financial aid, they may contact, visit the Financial Aid webpage or the following representatives:

For questions about scholarships, you may visit the Scholarships Opportunities web page or contact

Student Payment Services 

Students who have an account receivable hold may visit the Student Accounts FAQ web page or email

Academic Calendar

Class Schedules and Registration

The Schedule of Classes contains important information regarding the dates and times when a student can register, important dates throughout the semester, tuition and fees, financial aid information, and much more. Please visit the Class Schedules and Registration webpage for more information. 

If you cannot find the answer to your registration/enrollment question, please contact Enrollment Services by stopping by Room D 101 or by emailing


Merit Tuition Scholarship Nomination Deadlines 

  • Fall semester: September 1
  • Spring semester: The Friday after grades are due for the preceding fall term
  • Summer semester: The Friday after grades are due for the preceding spring term

Graduate Assistant Hiring Deadline

Required paperwork should be submitted to the College of Graduate Studies and Research five (5) days prior to the first day of classes for each semester. 

If you have any questions regarding the Merit Tuition Scholarship or Graduate Assistantship, please contact the College of Graduate Studies and Research at


Graduate Accelerated Program Workshop Handouts

Graduate Open House

  • Fall 2025: TBD
  • Spring 2025: April 9, 2025
    • 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Alumni Hall

Master's Hooding Ceremony 


Academic Catalog

The Northeastern Illinois University Academic Catalog provides important information you need to know, including admission requirements, course requirements for each degree and major, tuition and financial aid information, University policies, and more.

Graduate Handbook 

The Graduate Student Handbook provides helpful information for graduate students throughout their time at Northeastern. 

Graduate Forms

  • Application for Graduation
  • Graduate Academic Progress Plan
  • Graduate Thesis Registration Form
  • Leave of Absence Request
  • Program Change Request
  • Time Extension Request
  • Transfer Credit Waiver Request 

For a summary of how to use these forms, please visit our Graduate Forms page. 

The above forms can be located on the University Registrar's Forms Page. If you have any questions regarding the use of these forms, please contact If you have any questions regarding the status of these forms after submission, please contact Graduate Records at

Informational Reports 

Active Student List
Provides enrollment data including students' names, contact information, GPA, status, first term of enrollment, last term of enrollment, and number of credits earned. The report is emailed to chairs and advisors by Institutional Research twice per academic year for fall and spring semesters shortly after the census date. 

Academic Standing
Provides a list of students who took classes during the past semester and who are not in good standing (newly put on probation (AP), continued on probation (CA), or dismissed (DS). The report is emailed to chairs and advisors by CGSR twice per academic year for fall and spring semesters after every term.