Northeastern Illinois University Policy Library
Northeastern Illinois University's Policy Library was created to allow the University community easy access to University policies, procedures, guidelines and forms. Policies contained in this library are developed and approved through the process established by G1.1 Formulation and Issuance of University Policies. Please be aware this site does not contain all University policy information. Individual departments throughout the University may also have internal policies specific to their office. Use the navigation menu on the left of this page to access University policies.
Policy History
In 1995, President Gordon H. Lamb established the Administrative Memorandum Series (AMS) as a means of documenting University policy, procedures and guidelines. In 2011, Northeastern adopted the Formulation and Issuance of University Policy that established a template to standardize University policy. Since then, each document in the AMS has been or will be reviewed and revised for consistency and cohesion to ensure that it is current and accurate. Please visit the Administrative Memorandum Series web page through the menu on the left to access those AMS documents which still serve as official University policy.
Policies for Review
As part of the policy development process, the University will post final draft policies to this web page for comments from the University community. Please send an email with any questions or comments regarding University policy to
There are no policies out for public comment at this time.
Most Recent New Policies Posted
February 28, 2025 -
F1.03.4 Direct Payments to Non-Employees (Honoraria) has been enacted and may be found within its respective category in the menu on the left.
August 1, 2024 -
G1.8A Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment and G1.9 Pregnancy Modifications have been implemented to comply with changes to federal Title IX regulations.
June 28, 2024 -
A new policy has been posted to the policy library. E3.1 Official Transcripts and Diplomas for Students with Account Balances may be found within its respective category in the menu on the left.
June 20, 2024 -
An interim policy has been enacted effective June 20, 2024. I1.99.2 Vendor Management may be found within its respective category in the menu on the left.
Most Recently Revised Policies Posted
July 31, 2024 -
I1.02.1 Password Management (formerly Strong Password) has been revised and is posted in the policy library to the right in its respective category.
Policy Categories
To facilitate tracking and maintenance, each University policy is coded upon final approval to fall into the following categories that correspond with the menu on the left. Please use the menu on the left to access University policies. If you are unable to find the policy you are looking for, please send an email to
A1 Advancement
Policies related to alumni relations, development, public relations, and publications.
A2 Academics
Policies related to academic curriculum, faculty, library, research, and general academic functions.
E1 Employment/Hiring
Policies related to employee benefits, compensation, ethics, grievances, student employment, records, job postings, and civil service employment.
E2 Environment, Health, Safety, and Security
Policies related to University safety and emergency protocol.
E3 Enrollment Management
Policies related to registration, financial aid, recruitment, and admissions.
E4 Event Planning and Space Management
Policies related to University events and non-academic space management.
F1 Finance
Policies related to accounting, budget, disbursements, grant administration, payroll, purchasing, sponsored programs, and travel.
F2 Facilities Management
Policies related to facilities management.
G1 Governance
Policies related to business ethics, and risk management.
G2 General Administrative
Policies related to all other general administrative functions.
I1 Information Technology
Policies related to acceptable use, data security, electronic communications, NEIUport, world wide web, voice communications, and technical training.
S1 Student Affairs
Policies related to student activities, student services, campus life, and the student union.
S2 Student Financial Aid
Policies related to student financial aid.