Faculty and Staff

Sara Aliabadi
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6142
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 301 Cost Accounting I
ACTG 312 Cost Accounting II
ACTG 412 Accounting for Planning and Control
Research Interests
Capital market, Fraud and forensic accounting, Fair value accounting.

Ph.D. in Accounting
2007 – 2011 The University of Memphis
School of Accountancy
Diploma received in December 2011

Master of Accountancy 
1998 – 2003 University of Missouri-Columbia
Diploma received December 2003 with honor
GPA: 3.73 (Part of 150-Credit-Hour Program)

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
1998 – 2003 University of Missouri-Columbia 
Diploma received December 2003 with honor
GPA: 3.73 (Part of 150-Credit-Hour Program)

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
1998 – 2003 University of Missouri-Columbia 
Diploma received December 2003 with honor
GPA: 3.73 (Part of 150-Credit-Hour Program)

Graduate Certificate
1998 – 2003 University of Missouri-Columbia 
Diploma received December 2003 with honor
(Part of 150-Credit-Hour Program)

Selected Publications

 •Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Afifi, R. 2013. The Effects of SFAS NO. 159, Fair Value Disclosure, on Commercial Banks. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics. 13(1): 25-34 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 20% and is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013). 

 •Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Rezaee, Z. 2013. Integration of Enterprise Risk Management into Corporate Governance. International Journal of Managerial Accounting Research. 3(1): 1-16 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 25%)

 •Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Balsara, N. 2013. The Most Value Relevant Accounting Performance Measure by Industry. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 13(1): 22-34 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 13% - 19%)

 •Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Qadri, M. 2011. Fraud prevention and Detection in the United States: A Macro perspective. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(3): 150-165. (This is specifically an accounting journal which is one of top two journals in forensic accounting in the United States and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

 •Aliabadi, S., Chen, H., and Dorestani, A. 2011. Fair value determination: A conceptual framework. Journal of Accounting, Business, and Management 18(1): 93-107. (This journal is specifically an accounting journal with acceptance rate of 20% - 30% and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

 •Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Abdyldaeva, A. 2011. Budget deficit, national debt, and government spending: Is now th right time to cut deficit and reduce national debt? Journal of Accounting, Business and Management 18(2): 74-83. (This journal is specifically an accounting journal with acceptance rate of 20% - 30% and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

CBM 167
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6142
Office Hours
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6022
Courses Taught
ACTG 310 Federal Income Tax (Individual)
ACTG 311 Federal Income Tax (Corporate)
BLAW 285 The Legal Environment of Business
BLAW 380 Business Law I
BLAW 381 Business Law II
Research Interests
None provided.

• ​J.D. The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Ill.,  Law, 1973

• Other: University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., Study of the Classics certificate, 1988

• LL.M. The John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Ill., Law, 1986

• B.A. University of Illinois, Chicago, Ill.


CBM 169
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6022
Office Hours
Wednesday: 10 a.m. (by appointment)
Thursday: 10 a.m. (by appointment)
Main Campus
Dwan (Dee) K. Buetow-Kimpel
Dwan (Dee)
Office Administrator
Business Law and Finance
Certified Customer Service Administrator and Certified Trainer. Experienced in Microsoft Office products, Excel, PowerPoint and Statistical Program for the Social Sciences general organization and administrative skills.

Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2008 Northeastern Illinois University
Pursuing Bachelor of Music, Vocal Performance, Northeastern Illinois University



Dwan (Dee) joined the College of Business and Management in July, 2017 as an Office Administrator. Dee has been with NEIU for 11 years having served in the President’s Office, Angelina Pedroso Center for Diversity and Intercultural Affairs, the Physics department and Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. Prior to joining NEIU, Dee spent 28 years in banking as a Corporate Trainer, Customer Service Administrator, Branch Manager and Assistant Vice President with various institutions.

Additional Information

Northeastern Illinois University alumna, Interdisciplinary Studies, December 2008

Current Northeastern Illinois University student, pursuing Bachelor of Music, Vocal Performance

Dee believes in giving back to the community, not limited to and including fundraisers for: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Association, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Suicide Prevention of America, The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless and The Alzheimers Association of America.

'I'm a student of art, which imitates life and therefore I commit my desires and studies to classical and musical genres, as well as dancing and sports'.

Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Faruk Daudbasic
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6022
Courses Taught
FINA 377 Real Estate Finance
Research Interests

BS in Finance from Northeastern Illinois University, MBA from Roosevelt University

CBM 169
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6022
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 6-7 p.m.
Main Campus
Nont looking at the camera
Department Chair and Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6171
Courses Taught
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 366 Financial Institutions and Markets
FINA 373 Intermediate Financial Management
MNGT 380 Entrepreneurship
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

•Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Finance, 2004

•M.S. Boston College, Carroll Graduate School of Management, Chestnut Hill, MA, Finance, 1996

•M.Mgt American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ, International Management, 1991

•B.S. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Business Administration, 1989

Room CBT 182
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6171
Office Hours
By appointment only.
Main Campus
Alireza Dorestani
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6139
Financial Accounting, Auditing, and Forensic Accounting
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 322 Intermediate Financial Accounting
ACTG 324 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 325 Contemporary Financial Accounting Issues
ACTG 400 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACTG 421 Current Topics in Financial Accounting
Research Interests
Capital Market Research, Auditing, Forensic Accounting

• Ph.D. in Accounting,  University of Memphis, 2006 - 2009

• Ph.D. in Economics, University of Missouri - Columbia, 1998 – 2002 

• Master of Arts in Economics,  University of Missouri – Columbia, 1996 – 1998

• Master of Accounting, University of Missouri – Columbia, 1994 – 1996 

• Master of Accounting,  Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 1988 – 1991

Selected Publications

• Dorestani, A. 2004. Transfer Price and Equilibrium in Multinational Firms: An Examination of Divisional Autonomy and Central Control. Applied Economics. Applied Economics. 36(17): 1899-1906. (This journal is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013. The ranking for this journal is A)

• Dorestani, A. and Jir, A. 2013. Audit Quality Post Sarbanes Oxley Act. Accountancy Business and the Public Interest. 12: 119-134 (Acceptance rate for this paper is 11-25% and is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013).

• Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Afifi, R. 2013. The Effects of SFAS NO. 159, Fair Value Disclosure, on Commercial Banks. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics. 13(1): 25-34 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 20% and is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013). 

• Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Rezaee, Z. 2013. Integration of Enterprise Risk Management into Corporate Governance. International Journal of Managerial Accounting Research. 3(1): 1-16 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 25%)

• Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Balsara, N. 2013. The Most Value Relevant Accounting Performance Measure by Industry. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 13(1): 22-34 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 13% - 19%)

• Dorestani, A., and Rezaee, Z. 2012. Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators and Analysts' Earnings Forecast Accuracy. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance 7(2): 79-102 (Acceptance rate for this journal is 25% and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

• Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Qadri, M. 2011. Fraud prevention and Detection in the United States: A Macro perspective. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(3): 150-165. (This is specifically an accounting journal which is one of top two journals in forensic accounting in the United States and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

• Aliabadi, S., Chen, H., and Dorestani, A. 2011. Fair value determination: A conceptual framework. Journal of Accounting, Business, and Management 18(1): 93-107. (This journal is specifically an accounting journal with acceptance rate of 20% - 30% and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

• Aliabadi, S., Dorestani, A., and Abdyldaeva, A. 2011. Budget deficit, national debt, and government spending: Is now th right time to cut deficit and reduce national debt? Journal of Accounting, Business and Management 18(2): 74-83. (This journal is specifically an accounting journal with acceptance rate of 20% - 30% and it is listed on Australian Business Dean Council Journal Quality List 2013)

• Dorestani, A., and Rezaee, Z. 2010. Non-financial key performance Indicators and quality of earnings: Using content analysis. Journal of Accounting and Finance 11(3): 75-96. (Acceptance rate for this journal is 13% - 19%)

CBM 165
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6139
Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:45 am to 12:45 pm and other time by appointment or whenever my door is open.
Main Campus
Essam Elshafie
Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6118
Courses Taught
ACTG 307 Auditing Theory and Problems
ACTG 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 407 Auditing Theory and Practice
ACTG 409 Forensic and Investigative Accounting
ACTG 430 Research Methodology in Accounting
Research Interests
Audit Quality, Auditors Conservatism, Auditors Litigation Risk, Financial Performance Measures, Earnings Management, Executive Compensation, and Accounting Information Value Relevance

Ph.D. in Accounting with International Business Minor, December 2005, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Selected Publications

Elshafie, E.  2016. Litigation Risk, Auditor Tenure, and Auditor Specialization and Their Effect on Reporting Quality. American Journal of Finance and Accounting.

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2011. Differences in Earnings Management Patterns between Not-For-Profit and For-Profit Hospitals. Forthcoming in American Journal of Business Research 4 (1).

Elshafie, E., A. Yen, and M. Yu. 2010. The Association between Pro Forma Earnings and Earnings Management.  Review of Accounting and Finance 9 (2):  139-155.

Yen, A., and E. Elshafie. 2009. Value Relevance of Quarterly Accounting Information in Good Times and Bad Times.  Journal of Global Business Development 2 (1):  100-109.  

Alam, P., E. Elshafie, and D. Jarjoura. 2008. The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Financial Performance of Hospitals. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 12 (3): 37-52.

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2008. Are Investors Still Misled by Pro Forma Earnings After Financial Reporting Regulations? Journal of International Business and Economics 8 (2): 62-70. 

Elshafie, E., and P. Alam. 2008. Pro Forma Earnings and Executive Compensation in High-Versus Low-Tech Firms.  Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy 9 (3):  333-370.

CBM 175
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6118
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 3:30-5:30 p.m. or by appointment
Main Campus
David Jordan looking at the camera
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6025
Tax and Accounting
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 310 Federal Income Tax (Individual)
ACTG 311 Federal Income Tax (Corporate)
ACTG 402 Managerial Accounting
ACTG 307 Auditing Theory and Problems
ACTG 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 322 Intermediate Financial Accounting II
ACTG 324 Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 406 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
ACTG 422 Financial Statement Analysis
ACTG 440 Tax Research and Procedure
FINA 367 Short-term Financial Management
Research Interests
Tax and accounting related – not specific

MST (Taxation)


Eight years public accounting experience, self-employed as tax and accounting professional for over 10 years. Part-time instructor Loyola University.

Room CBM 137
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6025
Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Huong (Anne) Le
Huong (Anne)
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
College of Business and Technology
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 363 Security Analysis
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

•  Ph.D.   Louisiana State University,  2015

•  M.A.   Foreign Trade University,  Vietnam,  Economics,  2005

•  B.S.   Foreign Trade University,  Vietnam,  Economics,  2001

CBM 142
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 301 Cost Accounting I
ACTG 400 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACTG 402 Managerial Accounting
ACTG 412 Accounting for Planning and Control
MKTG 354 Personal Selling
MKTG 360 Marketing Channels
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

• Ph.D.   Northwestern University,  Evanston, IL,  Accounting,  1981

• M.B.A.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, OH,  Accounting,  1970

• B.Sc.   University of Ghana,  Ghana, Africa,  Accounting & Economics,  1968

CBM 136
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
Narendar Rao
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
COBM 385 Advanced Topics in Business, Topic Varies
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 361 Principles of Financial Management II
FINA 362 Investment
FINA 363 Security Analysis
FINA 365 Personal Financial Planning
FINA 367 Short-Term Financial Management
FINA 377 Real Estate Finance
FINA 402 Issues in Corporate Finance
FINA 462 Investment Strategies
FINA 470 Corporate Financial Strategy
FINA 500 Master's Project
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

• Ph.D.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, Ohio,  Finance (Economics minor),  1989

• M.B.A.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, Ohio,  Finance and Management,  1986

• B.Com.   University of Madras,  Madras, Tamil Nadu, India,  Accounting,  1984

CBM 143
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
Stijepko Tokic
Professor, J.D., LL.M.
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-4757
Trade Regulation
Courses Taught
BLAW 109 FYE: Professionalism, Ethics, Law and Chicago Scandals
BLAW 285 The Legal Environment of Business
BLAW 380 Business Law I
BLAW 381 Business Law II
BLAW 410 International Business Law
Research Interests
Patents and Antitrust, Commercial Law, Education Law.

• New York University School of Law, LL.M.
• Thurgood Marshall School of Law, J.D. (magna cum laude)

Selected Publications

Stijepko Tokic, The Interplay Between User Innovation, Patent System and Product Liability Laws: Policy Implications, 99 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. SOC'Y 20 (2017).

Stijepko Tokic, "The Role of Defining the Relevant Product Market in the Post-Actavis Era," 27 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY JOURNAL 265 (2015).

Stijepko Tokic, Impact of Legal (Un)certainty on Patent Valuation: What Investors Should Know Before Investing in Patents, 22 FED. CIR. B.J. 363 (2013). Official journal of the Federal Circuit Bar. 

Stijepko Tokic, Rethinking Educational Malpractice: Are Educators Rock Stars? 2014(1) BYU EDUC. & L.J. 105 (2014).

Stijepko Tokic, Enforcing the Duty of Disclosure after Therasense: Antitrust Implications, 40 AIPLA Q.J. 221 (2012). Published by the American Intellectual Property Law Association.

Stijepko Tokic, The Role of Consumers in Deterring Patent Settlements Based on Invalid Patents: The Case of Non-Practicing Entities, 2012 STAN. TECH. L. REV. 2 (2012). 

Stijepko Tokic, In Re "DDAVP" Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litigation: Is the Second Circuit's Massage the Way to Relieve the Key Pressure Points Between the Patent System and Antitrust Laws? 92 J. PAT. & TRADEMARK OFF. SOC'Y 536 (2010). 


Stijepko Tokic joined the Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) in Fall 2008. He currently teaches Legal Environment of Business, International Business Law, Business Law I and II, and a First Year Experience course entitled Professionalism, Ethics, Law and Chicago Scandals. Professor Tokic focuses much of his research on the intersection between patent and antitrust laws, and he has published articles in, among others, the American Intellectual Property Law Association Quarterly Journal, the Federal Circuit Bar Journal, the Stanford Technology Law Review, and the Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society. Professor Tokic has presented his research at many domestic and international conferences, including the largest patent conference in the world, known as “PatCon,” and his research has been included in multiple amicus briefs that were submitted to the Supreme Court of the United States. Prior to joining NEIU, Professor Tokic worked as a Teaching Assistant for Contracts and Property Law, a law clerk, a consultant, and a researcher. In his spare time, Professor Tokic enjoys playing tennis, writing music, and fishing in his hometown of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Room CBT 126
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-4757
Office Hours
Tuesday and Thursday: 11 a.m.-noon
Tuesday: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Main Campus
Xiaohong (Sara) Wang
Xiaohong (Sara)
Ph.D., CFA
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6177
Courses Taught
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management
FINA 363 Security Analysis
FINA 365 Personal Financial Planning
FINA 373 Intermediate Financial Management
Research Interests
Empirical corporate finance, Financial markets and institutions, Innovation, Tax, Corporate social responsibility

• Ph.D. in Finance, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

• M.A. in Economics and M.S. in Applied Statistics, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH.

• B.A. in Finance, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China.

CBM 147
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6177
Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Main Campus
Ai-Ru Yen
Associate Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6119
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 321 Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 422 Financial Statement Analysis
Research Interests
Financial reporting, International accounting, Market reaction to policy changes

• Ph.D., 2007, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

 • M.B.A., 2001, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

 • B.B.A., 1999, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Room CBM 166
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6119
Office Hours
By appointment
Main Campus
Tung (Francis) Cu
Tung (Francis)
Associate Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6133
Courses Taught
ABF 350 Management Information Systems
ABF 403 Management Information Systems and Technology
Research Interests
Applications of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence for Security, and Social Media Analytics

Ph.D. in Information Systems, Louisiana State University, La.

Ph.D. in Business Administration, Old Dominion University, Va.

M.B.A  in Management of Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

B.S. in Information Technology, National University of Sciences, Vietnam

Selected Publications

Cu, T., & Nguyen, T. (2024). Agricultural transformation: A story about the Internet of Things.

International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 23(1), 11-35.


Cu, T., Van Scotter, J., Schneider, H. (2023). Do Life-cycle and Generation Moderate Sentiment and

Diffusion? Journal of Computer Information Systems, 63(1), 118-132.


Cu, T. (2023). The Power of AI-Enhanced Search: Some Discussions on Its Benefits, Limitations and

Bias. International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 12(3), 39-48.


Cu, T., Schneider, H., & Van Scotter, J. (2019). “How Does Sentiment Content of Product Reviews Make Diffusion Different?” Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol. 59 Iss. 2, pp. 127-135.

Van Scotter, J., Pawlowski, S., & Cu, T. (2012) “An Examination of Interdependencies among Major Barriers to Coordination in Disaster Response”, International Journal of Emergency Management. Vol. 8, No.4

(773) 442-6133
Office Hours
Posted on office door. Contact via email or phone.

Main Campus
Main Campus
Welcome to the Department of Accounting, Business Law, and Finance.


Accounting is the language of business. Employees of small and large organizations must understand basic accounting principles. The knowledge of debits and credits, financial statements, and accounting information systems is basic for all business activities. Accounting majors must, of course, be well grounded in accounting theory and practice. Many accounting majors sit for the Uniformed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Examination and embark on meaningful careers in the public accounting field. Some accounting majors also seek to take the Certified Management Accountant major associated with it.

Business Law

Business Law constitutes the protocols for managerial action. Business Law courses offered at Northeastern are not a pre-law program and are not intended to be preparation for law school.


Finance is the study of value. Using basic principles from the fields of accounting, economics, and statistics, finance involves analysis of financial institutions, financial markets, and financial concepts. Finance majors can emphasize the study of markets or the study of financial management practices in their coursework. The financial services field has exploded with new kinds of products and services, creating a need for individuals to seek new financial and investment instruments and services and to manage the entities that provide them. Banking, stock brokerage, commodities/futures/options trading, and financial planning and analysis are traditional areas where finance majors find employment. Frequently, finance majors are sought for entry-level positions in the allied fields of real estate and insurance.

For more information about the department, contact the Office Administrator, Dee K. Buetow-Kimpel, at d-buetow@neiu.edu or (773) 442-6141, or the Department Chair, Dr. Nont Dhiensiri, at n-dhiensiri@neiu.edu or (773) 442-4757.

How to Become a Major

The following majors are offered in the ABF department.

  • Accounting
  • Finance

Students are encouraged to supplement their majors with relevant minors from the following options.

  • Accounting
  • Finance


The Program Advisement Office provides centralized advisement to students who wish to enroll in undergraduate business courses.

Northeastern’s Academic Advising will help you fulfill general education requirements.

For general Northeastern admission requirements, the Admissions Office helps new and returning students through the process. In addition, the Transfer Center assists transfer and veteran students with transitioning to NEIU.


A variety of scholarships are available for students in the College of Business and Technology. For more information contact the College of Business and Technology, Office of the Dean at (773) 442-6104 or email us at cbt-do@neiu.edu

Clubs and Organizations

Accounting Associates sponsors lectures and other activities on campus. It is a useful forum for students to interact with each other as well as network with individuals in the accounting profession.

The Investment Society Club is dedicated to bringing like-minded individuals together who are interested in investing (stocks, real estate, and crypto), personal finance, self-development, networking, and much more.

Read more details and contact information for student clubs at the College of Business and Technology

The Office of Student Leadership Development houses other clubs and organizations to meet the interests of students on campus.

Narendar Rao
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
COBM 385 Advanced Topics in Business, Topic Varies
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 361 Principles of Financial Management II
FINA 362 Investment
FINA 363 Security Analysis
FINA 365 Personal Financial Planning
FINA 367 Short-Term Financial Management
FINA 377 Real Estate Finance
FINA 402 Issues in Corporate Finance
FINA 462 Investment Strategies
FINA 470 Corporate Financial Strategy
FINA 500 Master's Project
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

• Ph.D.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, Ohio,  Finance (Economics minor),  1989

• M.B.A.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, Ohio,  Finance and Management,  1986

• B.Com.   University of Madras,  Madras, Tamil Nadu, India,  Accounting,  1984

CBM 143
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
NEIU logo
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
ACTG 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting
ACTG 202 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
ACTG 301 Cost Accounting I
ACTG 400 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACTG 402 Managerial Accounting
ACTG 412 Accounting for Planning and Control
MKTG 354 Personal Selling
MKTG 360 Marketing Channels
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

• Ph.D.   Northwestern University,  Evanston, IL,  Accounting,  1981

• M.B.A.   University of Cincinnati,  Cincinnati, OH,  Accounting,  1970

• B.Sc.   University of Ghana,  Ghana, Africa,  Accounting & Economics,  1968

CBM 136
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
Huong (Anne) Le
Huong (Anne)
Full-Time, Accounting Business Law and Finance Professor
College of Business and Technology
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
Courses Taught
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 363 Security Analysis
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

•  Ph.D.   Louisiana State University,  2015

•  M.A.   Foreign Trade University,  Vietnam,  Economics,  2005

•  B.S.   Foreign Trade University,  Vietnam,  Economics,  2001

CBM 142
5500 N. St. Louis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

Office Hours
Posted on Office Door
Main Campus
Nont looking at the camera
Department Chair and Professor
Accounting, Business Law and Finance
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6171
Courses Taught
FINA 360 Principles of Financial Management I
FINA 366 Financial Institutions and Markets
FINA 373 Intermediate Financial Management
MNGT 380 Entrepreneurship
Research Interests
Accounting Business Law and Finance

•Ph.D. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, Finance, 2004

•M.S. Boston College, Carroll Graduate School of Management, Chestnut Hill, MA, Finance, 1996

•M.Mgt American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, AZ, International Management, 1991

•B.S. Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, Business Administration, 1989

Room CBT 182
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6171
Office Hours
By appointment only.
Main Campus