Questions: Contact Circulation/Interlibrary Loan at or (773) 442-4401.

Get Started

Sign in to Your Library Account to view due dates and request renewals from NEIU and I-Share libraries.

Log into WorldShare Interlibrary Loan to request and view articles and view due dates. Renewals can be made at



All currently enrolled NEIU students, faculty, staff, alumni cardholders, or individuals from other I-Share members' institutions may borrow Library materials by presenting a valid University ID.

Loan Periods and Limits

There is no limit to the number of items you may check out from NEIU's general collection or the new book area. Other items may have special limits or may only be used in the libraries (such as reference books, tests, and reserve items).

Item Undergraduate Student Graduate & Honors Program Faculty, Staff & Emeritus Retiree, Alumni & Guest Card
General Collection Item 28 days, 3 renewals 56 days, 1 renewal 112 days, 1 renewal 28 days, 3 renewals
New Item 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
Multimedia Item 7 days, 1 renewal 7 days, 1 renewal 14 days, 2 renewals 7 days, 1 renewal
I-Share Item *28 days, 3 renewals *28 days, 3 renewals *28 days, 3 renewals N/A

*I-Share loan periods and renewals are subject to the policies of the lending institution.

Non-I-Share lending library policies vary and will likely be shorter than I-Share lending periods. The due dates are enclosed in the book and listed in your WorldShare Interlibrary Loan account.

Fines and Fees

Go to Your Library Account to view any existing overdue fines or visit the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Ronald Williams Library to pay overdue fines and lost item fees.

Item 2 days overdue 35+ days overdue Lost Items
Most Books $0 You must return the item or it will be presumed LOST $52 replacement fee
New Item You must return the item or it will be presumed LOST   $52 replacement fee
Multimedia Item You must return the item or it will be presumed LOST   $152 replacement fee

If you do not return or renew library items before they are presumed LOST, there will be a hold placed on your library account, your WorldShare account, and your NEIU bursar account.

Library blocks that are due to items owned by NEIU may be resolved at the Circulation Desk of the Main Library. Library blocks as a result of other I-Share or WorldShare libraries may be resolved by contacting the NEIU interlibrary loan department at or (773) 442-4509. Library users may be responsible for any interlibrary loan fines exceeding $5.

Damaged NEIU items returned to the Libraries are considered Lost, and must be paid for or replaced in accordance with the appropriate Lost item category. Damaged I-Share and WorldShare items returned to the Libraries must be settled with the original lending library in accordance with their damaged item policy.

Payments made by a borrower for items identified by the borrower as Lost cannot be refunded.


Questions: Contact Circulation/Interlibrary Loan at or (773) 442-4509.

Requests for NEIU Libraries Items

Current NEIU students, faculty, and staff can request NEIU Libraries items be held. Hold requests need to be made in the NEIU Libraries Catalog by the person making the request and cannot be made by phone. This service includes delivery among the Main Library, the CCICS Library, and the Library Resource Center at El Centro. Items will be held for pickup for 14 days.

Missing Items

If an item you need is missing from the shelf, please place a request. Once the item is requested, Libraries staff will attempt to find the book; if it is not found, the request will be forwarded to another I-Share institution if available.

Book Requests from Other Libraries

Current NEIU students, faculty, and staff can request items from other libraries. Requests need to be made online in the I-Share Catalog by the person making the request and cannot be made by phone. Items will arrive within five business days, will be held for pickup for 14 days, and can be picked up at any I-Share library (specified at the time of the request). If the book is not available at an I-Share library, log into WorldShare Interlibrary Loan to make a request. When the item arrives, the Libraries will notify you through email. WorldShare requests for books may be picked up at the Main Library, the Library Resource Center at El Centro, and the CCICS Library only (specified at the time of the request).

Article Requests from Other Libraries

Log into WorldShare Interlibrary Loan and make a request or request articles through a Libraries database. Articles will be delivered as PDF files. The Libraries will email your NEIU account with full instructions on how to retrieve the PDF.

Request Limits

You may submit as many WorldShare requests as you need. However, ILL staff may not be able to process more than five of your requests per day.

Ronald Williams Library has a large selection of print journal articles on the second floor of the library. NEIU students, faculty, and staff may request PDF copies of the articles that we own in print through WorldShare. Articles will be delivered in the patron’s WorldShare account within three business days.

Adhering to section 108 of the Copyright Law (Title 17, US Code) and the Interlibrary Loan Code of Conduct, patrons may request up to five articles from the same (print or electronic) journal title per calendar year. Requests may be canceled if that number has been exceeded and/or a copy of the article is not attainable.


Questions: Contact Circulation/Interlibrary Loan at or (773) 442-4401.

Online Renewals

You may renew materials through Your Library Account.

Phone Renewals

To renew NEIU items by phone, call the Circulation Desk at (773) 442-4401 when the Library is open. Have your NEIU ID, which has your 14-digit Library Borrower ID printed on it. I-Share books must be renewed online. WorldShare books must renewed by contacting

In-Person Renewals

Visit the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Ronald Williams Library to renew materials. You will need your NEIU ID, but you're not required to bring in the books for renewal. I-Share books must be renewed online. WorldShare books must renewed by contacting

WorldShare and I-Share Renewals

Many books on loan from other libraries may be renewed as well. To renew I-Share items, check Your Library Account. To renew WorldShare items, contact