Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, 2003
The University of South Dakota
Dissertation: Uses of Music in the High School English/Language Arts Class in South Dakota: Teacher Perceptions and Practices
M.A. English, 1990
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Thesis: The Last Days of Justice Thierry
Secondary Certification, Graduate Single-Subject Teaching Program, 1984
University of California-Santa Barbara
K-12 English
B.A. English, 1983
University of California-Santa Barbara
Undergraduate Studies
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 1978-1980
Duggan, T. J. (2013). Advanced Placement classroom: Lord of the Flies. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Duggan, T. J. (2012). Advanced Placement classroom: Julius Caesar. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Duggan, T. J. (2008). Advanced Placement classroom: Hamlet. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.
Book Chapters:
Duggan, T. J. & Smith, J. (under review). Finding a light in the Night: An opportunity for the arts to illuminate the way. In Pamela Hartman and Jeff Spanke (eds.). Cultivating democratic literacy through the arts: Guiding preservice teachers towards innovative learning spaces in ELA classrooms.
Duggan, T. J. & Valentín-Espiet, N. (2022). “These are the forgeries of jealousy”: Nature out of balance. In Rebecca Young (ed.). Literature for change: How educators can prepare the next generation for a climate-challenged world. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books (Rowman and Littlefield).
Duggan, T. J. (2019). Musical adaptations and explorations in the English classroom. In Katherine J. Macro & Michelle Zoss (eds.). A symphony of possibilities: A handbook for arts integration in secondary English language arts. Urbana, IL: NCTE.
Duggan, T. J. (2017). Welcome to Illyria, all. In Shakespeare 400 Chicago: Reflections on a city’s celebration of Shakespeare. Chicago, IL: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 101-104.
Duggan, T. J. (2017). Achieving greatness. In Shakespeare 400 Chicago: Reflections on a city’s celebration of Shakespeare. Chicago, IL: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 150-154.
Duggan, T. J. (2017). Battle of The Bard: Teenagers, Shakespeare, community, and the power of narrative. In Shakespeare 400 Chicago: Reflections on a city’s celebration of Shakespeare. Chicago, IL: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 280-284.
Duggan, T. J. (2017). Cabaret, consciousness, and the pursuit of excellence. In Shakespeare 400 Chicago: Reflections on a city’s celebration of Shakespeare. Chicago, IL: Chicago Shakespeare Theater, 303-306.
Duggan, T. J. (2016). M.A.S.T.E.Ring the art of music integration. In L. L. Johnson & C. Z. Goering (eds.). Recontextualized: Teaching English with music. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 51-64.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Duggan, T. J. & Goering, C. Z. (Mar. 2021). Song: What about the kids? English Journal 110(4), 77-78.
Duggan, T. J. (Nov. 2018). Making school work that students value. English Journal 108(2), 31-38.
Dover, A. G., Schultz, B. D., Smith, K., & Duggan, T. J. (2015). Embracing the controversy: edTPA, corporate Influence, and the cooptation of teacher education. Teacher’s College Record.
Dover, A. G., Schultz, B. D., Smith, K., & Duggan, T. J. (2015). Who’s preparing our candidates? edTPA, localized knowledge, and the outsourcing of teacher evaluation. Teacher’s College Record.
Fayer, L., Zalud, G., Baron, M., Anderson, C. M. & Duggan, T. J. (2011). Student perceptions of the use of inquiry practices in a biology survey laboratory course. Journal of College Science Teaching 41(2), 20-26.
Duggan, T. J. (2009). Conferences 101: Take a classic and make it current. Illinois English Bulletin 96(2), 11-27.
Duggan, T. J. (2008). Ethics and teaching English language arts: An exploration. English Journal 97(6), 18-19.
Duggan, T. J. (2007). Ways of knowing: Exploring artistic representations of concepts. Gifted Child Today 30(4), 56-63.
Knipper, K. J., & Duggan, T. J. (2006). Writing to learn across the curriculum: Tools for comprehension in content area classes. The Reading Teacher 59, 462-470.
Duggan, T. J. (2006). Deepening the experience: Adding individual and group projects to gifted summer camp. Curriculum Division Newsletter, National Association for Gifted Children.
Duggan, T. J. (2005). Curriculum, testing, and standards. Educated Answers. South Dakota Public Broadcasting website, April 5, 2005.
Duggan, T. J. (2005). Handling gifted students. Educated Answers. South Dakota Public Broadcasting website, January 4, 2005.
Schweinle, A., Pietrzak, D., & Duggan, T.J. (2004). TV’s impact on children. Educated Answers. South Dakota Public Broadcasting website, September 9, 2004.
Duggan, T. J. (2003). Drama workshop in the English classroom: Studying Shakespeare through the eyes of actors and directors. Shakespeare 10(3), 10-12.
Book Reviews:
Duggan, T. J. & Schultz, B. S. (2018). Turning minefields into fields of opportunity: A review of Can I teach that? Negotiating taboo language and controversial topics in the English language arts classroom. Midwest Educational Research. AERA.
Obscurity. Tim Duggan Music, 2014
A collection of original folk music.
Language Arts 201. Tim Duggan Music, 2008
A collection of songs and sonnets from Shakespeare and other famous poets.
Watching Time Walk. Toadsong Music, 2005. With Kevin Doyle and Scott Liebers.
Full-length CD recording of original music.
Language Arts 101. Tim Duggan Music, 2003.
A collection of songs and sonnets from Shakespeare and other famous poets.
Natural Progression. Toadsong Music, 1996. With Kevin Doyle.
Full-length CD recording of original music.
Something Out There. Toadsong Music, 1994. With Kevin Doyle.
Full-length CD recording of original music.
Earl. “Shed.” Written by Dan Wirth. Directed by Adam Goldstein. Co-leading role in one-act play chosen for Nuevas Voces, the inaugural 10-minute play festival at Northeastern Illinois University. Stage Center Theatre, January 26-27, 2018.
Joe Keller. All My Sons. Written by Arthur Miller. Directed by Rodney Higginbotham. Lead role in Northeastern Illinois University production. Stage Center Theatre, February 20-March 1, 2014.
Music Director. Twelfth Night. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Anna Antaramian. Northeastern Illinois University production. Stage Center Theatre, Fall, 2011.
Music Director. As You Like It. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Anna Antaramian. Northeastern Illinois University production. Stage Center Theatre, June 9-25, 2011.
Amiens. As You Like It. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Anna Antaramian. Supporting role in Northeastern Illinois University production. Stage Center Theatre, June 9-25, 2011.
Duncan. Macbeth. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Ronald Moyer. Supporting role in University of South Dakota production. Wayne S. Knutson Theatre, October 11-15, 2006.
Robert. Proof. Written by David Auburn. Directed by Matthew Nesbitt. Supporting role in University of South Dakota production. Arena Theatre, March 18-22, 2005.
Balthazar. Much Ado About Nothing. Written by William Shakespeare. Directed by Art Moss. Sioux City Shakespeare in the Park, July, 2001.
Director and Ensemble Member. Shakespeare Unbound. Touring production and educational theatre program of the Nebraska Shakespeare Festival. 1997-1999. Performances of Shakespeare scenes, music, and poetry in over 20 communities in Nebraska and Iowa.
Room LWH 2057
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