Ph.D. (American Literature) Duke University
The Selected Works of Elizabeth Oakes Smith, edited and annotated, with an introduction, 3 vols (forthcoming, Mercer Press, 2023-2024)
2020 section editor and author, “Elizabeth Oakes Smith 1806-1893—American novelist essayist, lecturer, poet and short-story writer,” Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism vol 387, Layman Poupard Publishing, LLC: 95-177.
2020 “Poe, Pandemic and Underlying Conditions,” PopMatters, May 26, 2020: https://www.popmatters.com/poe-pandemic-and-underlying-conditions- 2646000879.html
2017 “Eluding the Authorities: Tom Waits in Postmodern Context,” PopMatters, January 9, 2017: https://www.popmatters.com/feature/tom-waits-eluding-the-authorities/
1993 "The Authority Effect: Poe and the Politics of Reputation in the Pre-Industry of American Publishing," Arizona Quarterly 49/3 (Fall 1993): 1-21.
1992 "Translating From Memory: Patrick Modiano in Postmodern Context," Studies inTwentieth-Century Literature 16/2 (summer 1992): 289-303.
Scherman is the founder and current president of The Elizabeth Oakes Smith Society (501(c)3).
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Or by appointment via email (class times excepted) at t-scherman@neiu.edu