Ed.D. Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL September 2003
Educational Leadership & Organizational Change
Dissertation: Female Leaders in Afro-centered Schools: A Qualitative Analysis
M.A. Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL September 1998
Social Science Education
B.A. Howard University, Washington, DC December 1992
Special Education National Louis University, Chicago, IL July 2008
Social Studies Education University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC May 1994
Certifications: Illinois Type 75, Illinois Type 9, Illinois LBS1
Ali, Sunni. Lessons Learned: Critical Conversations in Hip-Hop and Social Justice. African American Images, IL.
Ali, Sunni. "Redefining Exceptionalism: The Importance of Removing Super Hero Language from Education.” Vol. 4, No. 3. Available at: www.scholink.org/ojs/
Ali, Sunni. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. (October 2019). “The Black and Hispanic/Latino Male Teacher Networked Improved Community: Promising Practices to Recruit and Retain Male Teachers of Color: Phase 1: Exploring New Pathways to Recruit and Retain.” Available at: www.aacte.org
Ali, Sunni. "A Second-Class Workforce: How Neoliberal Policies and Reforms Undermined the Education Profession," Vol. 8, No. 3. Available at: http://jct.sciedupress.com
Ali, Sunni. (June 6, 2018). “A Qualitative Study: How Northeastern Illinois University’s College of Education Program Successfully Prepares Black Males with a Previous Individualized Learning Plan to Become Educators,” Volume 3, Number 2, Article 7 of Returning African American Males with Learning Disabilities in Higher Education. Available at: https://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/jri/vol3/iss2/7/
Ali, S. (2018). Here’s to a Flag of Mine. African American Images, IL.
Ali, S. (2017). “How Cinema Excerpts Enhance a Cultural Relevant Responsive-Value Driven Pedagogy,” Journal of Research Initiatives, Vol. 2: Issue 3. Available at: http://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/jri/vol2/iss3
Ali, S. (2017). “The Power of Hidden Language.” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Volume 13 (March 3, 2017), ISSN: 2249-6645
Ali, S. (2016). “How Race and Racism Empower a School’s Curriculum.” IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education, e-ISSN: 2320-7388, p-ISSN: 2320-737X volume 6, Issue 4, ver. II (Jul-Aug. 2016), pp 65- 70. Available at: www.iosrjournals.org
Ali, S. (2016). My Schoolhouse Is A Ghost Town. Authorhouse, IN.
Ali, S. (2015). “Integrating Hip-Hop and Cultural Relevant Lessons into the Public School Curriculum," Journal of Research Initiatives, Vol. 1: Issue 3, Article 4. Available at: http://digitalcommons.uncfsu.edu/jri/vol1/iss3/4
Ali, S., & Barden, K. (2015). “Popular Cultural Milieu Illustrated Through A Hip-Hop Culturally Values Driven Pedagogy.” In M.A. Fang He, B.D. Schultz, and W.H. Schubert (Eds.), The Sage Guide to Curriculum in Education: (407-415). Los Angles, CA: Sage.
Ali, S. & Murphy, R. (2013). “Merging and Creating Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Public Schools,” Journal of Research Initiatives, Vol.1: (1): 40-46. Available at: http://fsuoj01a.uncfsu.edu/SOE
➢ In-Residence Scholarship to St. John’s College at Oxford University (July 29-August 10, 2018)
➢ DePaul University’s Exceptional Teacher Recognition Award (August 2015)
➢ AVID Coordinator Award (April 2009)
➢ Extra Mile Award (May 2006)
➢ Who’s Who of American Teachers (February 2006)
➢ Golden Apple Nominee (January 2002)
Possesses Illinois Type 75, Illinois Type 9, and Illinois LBS1 certifications
CCICS Room 413
700 E. Oakwood Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60653
United States