1995, B.A., Mathematics, Barnard College
2002, Ph.D., Mathematics, Columbia University
Distance and intersection number in the curve graph of a surface, with Joan S. Birman and Matt Morse, submitted. 2019 Preprint: arxiv: math/2403391
Criticality for the Gehring link problem, with Jason Cantarella, Joseph H.G. Fu, Rob Kusner, and John M. Sullivan. Geometry & Topology, 10 (2006), pp 1-61.
Some ropelength critical clasps, with John M. Sullivan, Physical and Numerical Models in Knot Theory and Their Application to the Life Sciences, (J. Calvo, K. Millett, E. Rawdon, and A. Stasiak, editors). Series on Knots and Everything, World Scientific, Volume 36, 2005.
On transversally simple knots, with Joan S. Birman, Journal of Differential Geometry, 55 (2000), pp 325-354.
Parametrizations of holonomic and Legendrian knots with Joan S. Birman, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 9 No. 3 (2000), p. 293-309.
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