Physical Education/Kinesiology Pedagogy, Ph.D.
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Physical Education/Kinesiology Pedagogy, M.Ed.
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Dance and Physical Education, B.A. (with teacher certification)
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Performing Arts, BAPA
Oakland University, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Ball, J., Thomas, E., Maljak, K., Bice, M., Crost, C., Ramirez, A., Palma Barraza, M. (2022). Motivation to be active and use of technology to monitor physical activity levels: Comparing PE and non-PE majors. IAHPERD Illinois Journal, 88(1).
Maljak, K., Ball, J., Thomas, E., & Hilton, C. (2021). A qualitative assessment of K-12 physical education teaching strategies for female students guided by self determination theory. IAHPERD Illinois Journal, 87(1), 18-25.
Crost, C. & Maljak, K. (2021). Using a social ecological model to examine the role that the community plays regarding children's opportunities to be physically active. SPACE: Student Perspectives About Civic Engagement, 5(1). Retrieved May 27, 2021, from
Maljak, K., Ball, J., & Valley, J. (2020). Elementary girls’ perspectives of physical activity in an after-school program. The Health Educator, 51(1), 14-23.
Varela, M. & Maljak, K. (2020). The influence of culturally relevant curriculum and student engagement in physical education. SPACE: Student Perspectives About Civic Engagement, 4(1). Retrieved May 5, 2020, from
Ball, J., Maljak, K., Bice, M., Valley, J., & Parry, T. (2019). Exploring the relationship between self-determination theory and physical education teachers meeting recommended weekly physical activity minutes. The Physical Educator, 76(5), 1306-1318.
Ball, J., Bice, M., & Maljak, K. (2018). Exploring the relationship between college students’ barriers to exercise and motivation. American Journal of Health Studies, 33(2), 61-69.
Ball, J., Bice, M., & Maljak, K. (2017). Exploring the relationship between self-determination theory, adults’ barriers to exercise, and physical activity. The Health Educator, 49 (1), 19-37.
Maljak, K., Garn, A., McCaughtry, N., Kulik, N., Martin, J., Shen, B., Whalen, L., & Fahlman, M. (2014). Challenges in offering inner-city after-school physical activity clubs. American Journal of Health Education, 45(5), 297-307.
Garn, A., McCaughtry, N., Kulik, N.L., Kaseta, M., Maljak, K., Whalen, L., Shen, B., Martin, J., & Fahlman, M. (2014). Successful after-school physical activity clubs in urban high schools: Perspectives of adult leaders and student participants. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 33, 112-133.
Whalen, L., McCaughtry, N., Garn, A., Kulik, N., Centeio, E.E., Maljak, K., …Martin, J. (2016). Why inner-city high school students attend after-school physical activity clubs. Health Education Journal 75(6), 639-651.
Room PE 1132
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States