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Literacy, Leadership, Development and Special Education
College of Education
(773) 442-5715
Programming and interventions for children/youth with emotional/behavioral disorders, implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI), educational practices for children/adolescents from diverse backgrounds
Courses Taught
Special Education 379: Managing Behaviors in the Classroom
Special Education 501: Characteristics of Children and Youth with Exceptionalities
Special Education 504: Assessment I - Principles of Assessment
Special Education 510: Methods III - Strategies in Behavior Management
Special Education 520: Assessment II - Applied Diagnostic Testing
Special Education 514B: Teaching in Special Education (Practicum)
Special Education 523: Educational Assessment and Planning for Positive Behavior Management
Research Interests
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Response to Intervention, Working with Culturally/Linguistically Diverse populations

Ph.D., Special Education - Emotional/Behavioral Disorders - University of North Texas, Denton

M.Ed., Counseling - University of Texas, El Paso

B.A., Psychology - University of Texas, El Paso

Selected Publications

Moreno, G., Wong-Lo, M., & Bullock, L.M. (2017). National examination of the practice of the functional behavioral assessment: Survey of educators and their experiences in the field. International Journal of Emotional Education, 9(1), 54-70.

Moreno, G., & Bullock, L.M. (2015). Offering behavioral assistance to Latino students demonstrating challenging behaviors: Incorporating the functional behavioral assessment as pre-referral practice. International Journal of Emotional Education, 7(2), 36-48.

Moreno, G., &  Segura-Herrera, T. (2014). Review of school disciplinary practices and Latino students in public schools. Multicultural Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 33-51.

Moreno, G., Wong-Lo, M., Short, M., & Bullock, L.M. (2013). Implementing a Culturally Attuned     Functional Behavioral Assessment to Understand and Address Challenging Behaviors Demonstrated by Students from Diverse Backgrounds. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties.

Moreno, G., Wong-Lo, M., & Bullock, L.M. (2013). Assisting students from diverse backgrounds with
challenging behaviors: Incorporating a culturally attuned functional behavioral assessment in pre-referral services. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth,
58(1), 58-68.

Moreno, G. (2013). Special education and diverse populations. In C. E. Cortes & J. G. Golson (Eds.), Multicultural America. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Moreno, G., & Gaytán, F.X. (2012). Special issue - Focus on Latino learners: Developing a foundational understanding of Latino cultures to cultivate student success. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 57(1), 7-16.

Moreno, G. & Gaytán, F. X. (2012). Reducing subjectivity in special education referrals by educators working with Latino students: Encouraging the incorporation of the functional behavioral assessment as a pre-referral practice. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 18(1), 88-101.

Moreno, G., & Wong-Lo, M. (2011). Considerations and practices in working with students and families from Latino and Asian-American backgrounds. Multicultural Learning & Teaching, 6(1).

Moreno, G. (2011). Addressing Challenging behaviours in the general education setting: Conducting a teacher-based functional behavioural assessment (FBA). Education 3 - 13, 39(3), 1-9.

Moreno, G., & Bullock, L. M. (2011). Principles of positive behavior supports: Using the FBA as a problem-solving approach to address challenging behaviours beyond special populations. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 16(2), 117-127.

Moreno, G. (2011).  Special issue on cyberbullying: Case study vignettes. Preventing School Failure, 55(2), 70, 78, 87, 101.

Adams, T. E. & Moreno, G. (2011). Sexual orientation and race. In M. Z. Strange, C. K. Oyster, & J. G. Golson (Eds.), The Multimedia Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Moreno, G. (2010). No need to count to ten: Advocating for the early implementation of the functional behavioural assessment in addressing challenging behaviours. Emotional & Behavourial Difficulties, 15(1), 15-22.

Johns, B. H., Moreno, G., Albrecht, S. F., Hale, R., & Raza-Self, S. Y. (2007). Connecting with troubled children and youth: Commitment, caring, and collaboration. Highlights from the International Forum on Education Troubled Children/Youth: Innovative Approaches, Alternative Settings, and Multidisciplinary Collaboration Resulting in Positive Outcomes [Monograph]. Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Arlington, VA.

Lloyd, S. R., Wood, T. A., & Moreno, G. (2000). What’s a mentor to do? Teaching Exceptional Children, 33(6), 38-42.


Gerardo Moreno is Professor of Special Education at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago and serves as the Director of the William Itkin Children’s Service Center.

Dr. Moreno’s research and teaching focus on the development, delivery, and evaluation of special education services for children and youth with disabilities, particularly individuals identified with specific learning disabilities and/or emotional behavioral disorders. Through this scope, he examines the development and implementation of psychometric and curriculum-based assessments, best practices in academic interventions (e.g., Response to Intervention), and programming/interventions for individuals with emotional/behavioral disorders, particularly the use of the Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Positive Behavior Supports (PBS). Additionally, his research examines the impact of past and current educational practices on the quality of services for individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and the development of cultural competency among pre-service and in-service educators.

Dr. Moreno completed his doctoral work in Special Education with a Focus on Emotional/Behavioral Disorders at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, under the guidance of Dr. Lyndal M. Bullock. Prior to entering the field of higher education, he worked as a school counselor and special education classroom teacher in Texas public schools for more than 10 years.

Room LWH 4020 E
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-5715
Office Hours
Monday and Wednesday: 2:00-4:00 p.m. or by appointment
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae