Professor; Bernard J. Brommel Distinguished Research Professor
Latina/o and Latin American Studies
College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5608
Latin American History
Courses Taught
Hist 111D: World History: Latin America
Hist 353: History of Mexico
Hist 354: Contemporary Latin America
Hist 392: Problems in History: Food and Drink in History
Hist 392: Problems in History: History of the Cuban Revolution
Hist 392: Problems in History: Revolutions in Modern Latin America
Hist 392: Problems in History: Writing and Methods for History Majors
LLAS 101: Intro to Latino and Latin American Studies
Field Seminar in Latino and Latin American Studies
Seminar on Mexican Nationalism and National Identity
Mexico City in Historical Perspective
Pro-Seminar: Latin America in the Cold War
Graduate Seminar: Commodities in Latin American History
Graduate Seminar: Latin America in the Cold War
Graduate Seminar: Resistance and Accommodation in Mexican History
Research Interests
Mexican history, Latin American history, nation building, national and ethnic identities, race, indigenous peoples, museums, material culture, history of archaeology, history of memory, postcolonial studies.
University of California, Davis
Latin American History, Ph.D.
Selected Publications
"The Pursuit of Ruins: Archaeology, History, and the Making of Modern Mexico" (University of New Mexico Press, 2016.)
Winner of:
- Michael C. Meyer Prize for Best Book on Mexican History in a Five-Year Period, 2017
- Alfred B. Thomas Award 2016, Honorable Mention
- Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 2017 Book Prize, Honorable Mention
Room LWH 4087
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
(773) 442-5608
Office Hours
Please contact for appointment
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae
Most recent CV Bueno.pdf246.5 KB