College of Arts and Sciences
(773) 442-5606
Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet history; Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century; Europe 1871-1919; and graduate courses on the Russian Revolution and European Empires.
Courses Taught
Hist 111B: World History: The West, 1500 - Present
Hist 305: Europe in the Age of Imperialism, 1871 - 1919
Hist 314A: Russian History from the Varangians to 1855
Hist 314B: Russian and Soviet History, 1855 - Present
Hist 308: Human Rights in History, Literature, and Law
Research Interests
Empire, nationality, and religion in late imperial Russia; Sugar and Power in Late Imperial Russia
Columbia University
History, Ph.D., 1999
Selected Publications
Threads of Empire: Loyalty and Tsarist Authority in Bashkiria, 1552-1917 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2016).
External Publications Link
Room LWH 4081
Northeastern Illinois University
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
(773) 442-5606
Office Hours
On leave 2024-25.
Main Campus
Curriculum Vitae
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