Ph.D., Sociology, 1988, Northwestern University
M.Ph., Community College Education, 1975, Roosevelt University
M.A., Sociology, 1975, Roosevelt University
B.A., Sociology, 1971, Roosevelt University
Schwartz, Mary Ann and Scott, BarBara M. 2007. Marriages and Families: Diversity and Change. 5th edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Scott, BarBara M. and Schwartz, M.A. 2006. Sociology: Making Sense of the Social World. 2nd edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Lemelle, Anthony, Jr., and Scott, BarBara M. 2006. "African American HIV/AIDS and Social Institutions: New Realities Calling for New Policies." In Juan Battle, Michael Bennett, and Anthony Lemelle (Eds.), Free At Last?: Black America in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. pp. 103-126.
Scott, BarBara, Misra, Joya, & Segal, Marcia. 2003. Race, Gender, and Class in Sociology:Toward an Inclusive Curriculum. (5th ed.). Washington, DC: The American Sociological Association Press.
Annual Workshop. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005. "Teaching Sociology Through Literature and Film." Midwest Sociological Society, Midwest Sociologists for Women in Society Annual Meetings.
Organizer/Presider. 2005. "Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender in the Media." Midwest Sociological Society, Midwest Sociologists for Women in Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Staged Reading and Discussion (with Martha Thompson). 2005. "Working Class Women Sleuths Clean Up!!-Blanche White Meets Lily Bard: Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in Women's Dectective Fiction." Midwest Sociological Society, Midwest Sociologists for Women in Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
Symposium Participant. 2003. "HIV/AIDS Intervention for Women with Multiple Sexual Partners Living in Impoverished Housing." University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee, Hefter Center.
Recent Professional Service and Community Involvement
President (2005-2006), Association of Black Sociologists
Co-Chair (Current), NEIU Presidential Task Force on the Millennium Student
Volunteer Faculty, St. Leonard's Alternative High School for Ex-Offenders
Member, Links, Inc. Services to African American Youth Projects
Mentor, Northeastern Illinois University, Minority Mentor Program
Mentor, Sister-to-Sister Mentor Advisory Group
Chair, Advisory Committee on Student Retention, Northeastern Illinois University
Board Member: Ora Higgins Youth Foundation
Member, American Sociological Association; Midwest Sociological Society; and Midwest Sociologists for Women in Society (MSWS)
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Chicago, IL 60625
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