Loan Form and Artwork Labels: All accepted works must have an artwork label securely attached to each accepted work. All students must submit a loan form to the gallery. Both of these documents are available on this page.
Accepted Works:
All artwork accepted for the exhibition must be ready for professional installation (framed/wired or alternative approved methods appropriate to the work).
All work must remain in the show for the duration of the exhibit. Works may be removed after the closing reception on June 29.
There is no entry fee. All sales inquiries will be forwarded directly to the artist. No commissions will be taken from sales. Work does not have to be for sale to be exhibited in the show.
By submitting an entry form the artist agrees to all conditions stated here and of the Fine Arts Center Gallery at Northeastern Illinois University. The artist also agrees to release images of the artwork for publicity and cataloging purposes.
Works will be insured while on gallery premises. Insurance covers theft, vandalism, damage caused by gallery patrons or staff (in accordance with insurance policy). PLEASE NOTE: Insurance does not cover damage caused during shipping due to any reason, including mishandling by carrier or failure of packaging to protect works in transit. Also not covered is damage caused to work by failure of the work itself, its mounting systems installed or provided by the artist, disintegration/degradation due to the nature/quality of materials or craftsmanship, or incidental damage to works whose artist-directed presentation methods put them at risk. Selected artists will receive a gallery loan form to be completed before exhibition.
Important dates
May 21-25 Drop off of work to the gallery (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)
June 4-29 Dates of Exhibition
June 29 Closing Reception and Awards
June 30, July 2-3 Pick up of artwork (11 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Heather Weber, Fine Arts Center Gallery Coordinator/Curator,