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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Degree

NEIU computer science students

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Programming and software now stretch to all areas of society imaginable—computers, video games, and electronics to cars and appliances. The professionals behind these advances often have a comprehensive background in computer science, spanning its mathematical and conceptual foundation to its more practical applications.

These professionals once found themselves in your place. You think that even simple, accepted processes no one questions could be more efficient. So, you start to devise a creative, original solution to do things not only differently but better—no matter how unconventional that may seem at first. Whether you strive to conceptualize apps and software, dream up new operating systems that power tomorrow’s technology, or protect a business’s network from ever-encroaching threats, Northeastern Illinois University’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program not only challenges your innovative, entrepreneurial nature but offers a supportive, multicultural environment to prepare you for your future career.

Northeastern's Bachelor's in Computer Science prepares you with the skills needed to enter the tech industry in Chicago and beyond. With several concentrations to choose from learn how to become a software engineer, IT specialist, web developer and more!

Program at a Glance

Google CSSI: Extension

NEIU partnered with Google to create Google CSSI: Extension, a free CS bootcamp for high school seniors and new transfer students.

Computer Science Society

Connect at the Computer Science Society, NEIU’s Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery, an international membership organization dedicated to computing.

Student Center for Science Engagement

A hub for students in STEM fields, the Center offers study groups, tutoring and individualized guidance on preparing for science-oriented careers.

Kevin Nunez

“I’ve learned that in the Computer Science Department at NEIU, every single teacher is here to help you and they actually do care. The material is going to be hard—it’s computer science—but every professor is here for your success, and they’ll give you tips or let you know when tutoring sessions are.”

Akkady Tchaba, MS, Instructor

"I started at NEIU as a graduate student. Since day one, all the faculty and staff have been helpful, knowledgable and willing to give whatever a student needs to be successful."

About the Bachelor’s in Computer Science Degree

At its core, computer science is the study of software and hardware systems, from the mathematical and programmatic languages composing their foundation to the analytical and problem-solving skills key for developing new solutions. 

Considering the pace of technological advances, computer science previously provided a more specialized look at the field. However, every industry requires programmers, developers, software engineers, and professionals who understand artificial intelligence applications, and NEIU constructs our Bachelor’s in Computer Science program through this framework, offering a broad-based perspective encompassing theoretical and practical topics:

  • Start your course of study with a firm, holistic introduction to computer systems and related technologies and how they’re used to solve industry challenges.
  • Prepare for a number of career paths with a theoretical background that will help you keep up with the field’s evolving technologies and methodology. 
  • Gain solid technical skills for a broad spectrum of career possibilities, including an understanding of algorithmic techniques, computer programming, and analytical competencies that build off your aptitude for mathematics and science. 
  • Learn how algorithms and programming languages, software development, and computer science theory are applied in today’s innovation-based marketplace, where you’ll be expected to develop your own solutions or improve existing systems and programs.
  • Develop the analytical and troubleshooting skills needed to assess, create, and implement a strategy to solve a complex problem. 
  • Grow your knowledge of how devices and systems work together through an in-depth examination of hardware and software layers and their applications. 
  • Specialize your computer science knowledge by selecting a concentration in one of four in-demand areas. 

View Computer Science Requirements

Our Partnership with Google

Incoming freshmen and transfer students further have the opportunity to jumpstart their academic career with the Google-CSSI Extension Program, an intensive, four-week summer session designed to encourage the success of women, underrepresented ethnic minorities, first-generation, and low-income college students in computer science. Students receive guidance from NEIU faculty, staff, and peer mentors while learning key computer science concepts and, upon completion, will receive a tuition scholarship toward one academic course. Learn more about the program.

Bachelor’s in Computer Science Curriculum

Northeastern Illinois University crafts the curriculum for the Bachelor’s in Computer Science degree for accomplished, imaginative individuals seeking a new challenge. Rather than conceptualize the program through a narrow lens, we’ve taken a broader, more integrative approach. You’ll receive a thorough introduction to programming languages, computer architecture, operating systems, and scientific and mathematical theories, have the opportunity to expand your mindset and communication skills with NEIU’s liberal arts–based core, and can tailor your degree to your career goals—be it jumping into the workforce after graduation or elevating your knowledge through a master’s program.

Through this structure, you’ll be required to complete a minimum of 36 hours of 300-level coursework.

General Education Requirements

Today’s computer science professional is someone who’s not only well-versed in programming languages and theories but can use their skills to transform the world. NEIU’s general education requirements assist you with developing this perspective and incorporate experiential learning, helping you apply the concepts introduced in the classroom.

You’ll take a total of 33 credits across fine arts, humanities, behavioral and social sciences, and natural sciences. Three Engaged Learning Experiences then open up the pathway to take the tools you’ve acquired and utilize them in a real-world setting, illustrating computer science’s practical and intersectional applications. 

Core Courses

NEIU immerses all computer science students like yourself in a rigorous, comprehensive course of study that touches on all key aspects of the field:

  • the principles of computer programming, number theory, logical, algorithmic, combinatorial, and computational concepts;
  • key theories and abstract concepts for software and hardware and object-oriented programming;
  • implementing and manipulating data structures and applications;
  • an overview of common operating systems;
  • the software development process, including each stage’s individual cycle and techniques; and
  • the methods for designing and analyzing algorithms.


You can chart your degree path through one of the three concentrations:

Computer Science General Track

Develop an advanced understanding of higher-level computer science concepts, including programming languages, database management, networks, open-source systems, human-computer interactions, cryptography, computer graphic fundamentals, natural language processing and parallel computing. This concentration is ideal if you plan to pursue further studies in a master’s program or enter the workforce in roles such as software development, systems analysis or research.

Computer Networks and Security Concentration

Dive deep into the technical and practical aspects of computer networks and cybersecurity. Develop expertise in network design, implementation and management, alongside a thorough understanding of security protocols, threat assessment and mitigation strategies. Learn to protect sensitive information through courses covering network architecture, ethical hacking and cryptography. This concentration prepares you for careers in network administration, cybersecurity analysis and IT security management.

Data Science Concentration

Data science explores capturing and maintaining data, to processing and analyzing data, and finally reporting and communicating data in an effective way. Develop analytical skills to plan and identify relevant questions, collect data from a variety of points and sources, organize and translate a multitude of information in user friendly terms, and report out analyses that will impact businesses and processes. This concentration prepares you for careers in data analysis, business intelligence and data engineering, or for further studies in data science or related fields. 

Review all requirements and course descriptions now, and see how the degree program is structured.

What Can You Do With a Degree in Computer Science?

The opportunities available to computer science majors extend from the typical roles in Silicon Valley to local companies in Chicago looking for motivated, strategic, and persevering individuals dedicated to finding a solution. Beyond web, software, computers, and electronics, computer science is increasingly integral to the automotive industry and any entity seeking to conceptualize a new app or device that connects to the Internet of Things (IoT).

Reflecting this demand, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts positions for computer science professionals will grow 11% between 2019 and 2029. This spectrum covers computer network architects (5% or slightly above average growth) through database administrators (10% growth), software developers (22% growth), and information security analysts (31% growth). Additional career paths include:

  • Software Engineer;
  • Computer Security Specialist;
  • Computer Networking Professional;
  • IT Project Manager; and
  • Web Developer.

Program Objectives, Student Outcomes and Data

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Our program of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science: General track makes it a goal that within three to five years of graduation, our graduates will:

  • PEO 1: Be employed successfully in a professional position in a computing-related occupation, or have been engaged in graduate level study in computer science or a related field of interest.
  • PEO 2: Be engaged professionals who have demonstrated technical leadership, teamwork and service to their business, profession or community.
  • PEO 3: Have demonstrated integrity in their conduct as they make responsible, ethical and legal decisions, and are always aware of the local and global impact that advances in technology produce.
  • PEO 4: Have successfully adapted to new technologies, tools and methodologies in order to remain current in their occupation.

Student Outcomes

The program has six Student Outcomes (SOs). The outcomes are the same six student outcomes as required by ABET Criterion 3, and the program does not have any additional student outcomes. Specifically, upon immediate graduation, our students are able to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and apply the principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.


Admission Requirements

Considering a career as a maker and creator that requires a solid understanding of programming knowledge and computer science theory? Let NEIU guide you on your journey and unlock additional opportunities. If you’re interested in applying to the Bachelor’s in Computer Science degree program, candidates must fulfill all application requirements for freshman or transfer students. 

Envision Your Future with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science Degree from NEIU

If you’re ready to succeed creatively and compete in a world where technology changes at a rapid pace, get started with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degree from NEIU. Apply to the program now, or call NEIU’s Department of Computer Science at (773) 442-4720 to learn more.