Mandatory Ethics Training: Important Updates
All Illinois public university employees are required to complete an annual online Ethics Training program. The University’s Ethics Training is mandatory for all Northeastern Illinois University employees under Illinois law, as defined in the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430) and the Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act (110 ILCS 155). Please see the detailed information below about the Ethics Training and the Ethics FAQ for technical guidance.
Three subjects - one online program
The Ethics Training program covers three subject areas:
- Ethics;
- Sexual harassment prevention; and
- Discrimination and harassment prevention
Ethics Training period
The Ethics Training period for Northeastern employees this year is from October 28, 2024 to November 25, 2024.
All Employees Must Take Ethics Training
The following categories of individuals at Northeastern are required to complete the Ethics Training:
- Staff (including extra help and graduate students)
- Faculty (including Adjunct Faculty)
- Student Workers (including Work Study and Student Aides)
Failure to complete the Ethics Training will result in the statutorily required reporting of your name to the Office of Executive Inspector General for the Agencies of the Illinois Governor. The penalties for noncompliance will be determined by the Illinois Executive Ethics Commission (EEC), in addition to any internal disciplinary action imposed by Northeastern. The EEC has the authority to hold administrative hearings related to employee noncompliance and assess individual fines up to $5,000 for violations of the Ethics Act.
How do i access Training?
Ethics Training is accessible to Northeastern’s employees through the Desire2Learn (D2L) learning management system found in NEIUport. Refer to these training access instructions.
If you have a vision impairment, please contact Ethics Officer Emma Lubing at or (773) 442-5416 for assistance completing the Ethics Training.
For technical questions, please contact the NEIU UTS Help Desk:
- Telephone support: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please use (773) 442-4357.
- Email support: Monitored from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please use
Expected Length of Time to Complete the Ethics Training
The Ethics Training takes approximately one to two hours to complete. Remember that you have four weeks to complete the online program, and you may start and stop it as needed.
A Targeted Announcement will be sent before the training begins as well as a reminder Targeted Announcement the week before the deadline. Individual employees will be sent an email with the training instructions on or before October 28, 2024 from the account.
Confirmation of Ethics Training Completion
After you have completed the Ethics Training, you will be able to print out and/or electronically save a Certificate of Compliance at the end of the program. To access your Certificate, please click on the graduation cap icon, then click "generate certificate" and it will automatically download. You are not required to print or save the Certificate; D2L maintains the records for the NEIU Ethics Office.
For more information, please see the Ethics FAQ.
On behalf of Northeastern, thank you for your compliance with the State of Illinois’ Annual Ethics Training requirements.