Charles Funk
Associate Professor
Management and Marketing
College of Business and Technology
(773) 442-6145
Management, Strategy
Courses Taught
MNGT 393 Strategic Management
MNGT 502 Business Policy and Strategy
MNGT 370 WIP: Managing Global Business Organizations
MNGT 372 Organization Theory and Design
MNGT 481 International Management
Research Interests
Country-of-origin effects in global integration strategies; international alliance formation, evolution and management, particularly focusing on the minimization of transaction costs via the use of more relational forms of management; efficient organizational growth and contraction; and the relationships among firm strategy, dynamic capabilities and absorptive capacity.

• Ph.D. Strategic Management, Washington State University

• M.M. Management & Strategy, Organizational Behavior, Public/Non-Profit Management, Northwestern University

• B.B.A. Accounting, University of Notre Dame

Selected Publications

• Funk, C. A. & Kulik, B. W. 2012. Happily ever after: Toward a theory of late-stage group performance. Group and Organization Management, 37(1): 36-66.

• Funk, C. A., Arthurs, J., Trevino, L. & Joireman, J. 2010. Consumer animosity in the global value chain: The effect of international production shifts on willingness to purchase. Journal of International Business Studies, 41: 639-651.

• Trevino, L. J., Mixon Jr., F. G., Funk, C. A. & Inkpen, A. C. 2010. A perspective on the state of the field: International business publications in the elite journals as a measure of institutional and faculty productivity. International Business Review, 19(4): 378-387.


Dr. Charles Funk is an Assistant Professor of Management at the College of Business and Management, Northeastern Illinois University. He earned a B.B.A. in Accounting from the University of Notre Dame, a Master of Management degree from Northwestern University (Kellogg) and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Washington State University. 

Dr. Funk currently teaches both the undergraduate and graduate strategy capstone courses at NEIU as well as undergraduate courses in management and organization theory. His prior teaching experience includes strategy, management and marketing principles, organizational behavior, human resource management, small business management and business introduction courses. 

Dr. Funk’s research interests include country of origin effects in global integration strategies, international alliance formation, evolution and management, and efficient organizational growth and contraction. His research has been presented at Academy of Management annual conferences and has been published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Group and Organization Management and International Business Review. His work has been acknowledged with a recognition award from the College of Business and Management as well as a University research grant. Professor Funk also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Business Studies and is an ad hoc reviewer for the Journal of World Business and International Marketing Review

Finally, Dr. Funk’s background includes over 22 years of Chicago-area business experience in both financial and operating positions, including finance vice-president of a start-up telecommunications company, product development financial manager of a $1 billion wireless communications company, controller of a $30 million food company, and financial coordinator of a $1 billion chemicals business unit.

CBM 122
5500 North St. Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
United States

(773) 442-6145
Office Hours
Vary depending on class schedule.
Main Campus