Ph.D. Ohio University, School of Interpersonal Communication (Rhetorical Studies & Media Studies)
M.A. Ohio University, School of Interpersonal Communication (Rhetorical Studies)
B.S.J. Ohio University, E. W. Scripps School of Journalism (News Editorial Journalism)
Bell-Jordan, K. E. (2011). Still subscribing to stereotypes: Constructions of black masculinity in popular magazines. In M. P. Hopson, & R. L. Jackson (Eds.), Masculinity in the Black imagination: Politics of communicating race and manhood. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Bell-Jordan, K. E. (2010). Forward. In J. Tischauser, Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias in American newspapers: How they reported the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah and Israeli-Hamas wars (pp. i-iv). Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.
Bell-Jordan, K. E. (October, 2008). Black.White and a Survivor of The Real World: Constructions of race on reality TV. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 25(4), 353-372.
Bell-Jordan, K. E. (December, 2007). Speaking fluent “joke”: Pushing the racial envelope through comedic performance on Chappelle’s Show. Performance Research, 12(3),74-90.
Bell, K.E., Orbe, M.P., Drummond, D.K., & Camara, S.K. (Winter, 2000). Accepting the challenge of centralizing without essentializing: Black Feminist Thought and African American women’s communicative experiences. Women’s Studies in Communication, 23 (1), 41-62.
Bell, K. E. (1998). The more they change, the more they remain the Same: Representations of African American womanhood on Living Single. In T. McDonald, & T. Ford-Ahmed (Eds.), Nature of a sistuh: Black women’s lived experiences in contemporary culture (pp. 197-222). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
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