Postdoctorate, University of Chicago
Ph.D. Chemistry, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
B.Sc. Chemistry, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Organic Chemistry 1 (Peer-Led Team Learning Workbook), Emily Fioramonti, Paras Mehta, Alexandra Gokee, Brenna Dooley. Editor in Chief: Ana Fraiman, Publisher PLTLIS, ISBN 978-1-944996-00-0 (2017).
A. Fraiman: “Transition time? Moving toward student center labs”. Proceedings International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Edulearn 14, ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, p 5956-5960.
N. Tran, T. Nguyen, Ana Fraiman. “ Mastery and Wikis”: Proceedings of International conference in Education Research and Innovations. ICERI 2013, ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5. ISSN: 2340-1095, page 5174-5179.
Veronica Curtis-Palmer and Ana Fraiman; Biodiesel: A CASPiE Module. https://stemedhub.org/tags/caspie. May 2012
Ana Fraiman: “Collaborative Reflections with Web 2.0”. Proceedings of International Conference in Education Research and Innovations. ICERI 2011, ISBN: 978-84-615-3324-4, p 571.
Ana Fraiman: “The impact of Using Chem-Wiki (Web 2.0 technology) on student learning”. Proceedings of International Conference in Education Research and Innovations. ICERI 2010, ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-2 , page 4007
John Dao, Mary Caffero and Ana Fraiman*: “Chem-Wiki: Increasing Collaboration through Online Lab Reporting using Web 2.0 technology” Proceedings of International Conference in Education Research and Innovations. ICERI 2009, ISBN: 978-84-613-2955-7, page 4544-4549.
“Edward Elliot and Ana Fraiman”: “Increase collaboration through Online Lab Reporting”: J. Chem. Educ., 2010, 87 (1), pp 54-56,12/2009.
Presentations at International Meetings
Developing and Intradisciplinary STEAM Minor. Ana Fraiman and Mark McKernin. American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU)Transforming STEM Higher education Atlanta 8-10, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia
Holistic Learning through a Science and Visual and performing Art Minor. Ana Fraiman and Mark McKernin. AACU Transforming STEM Higher education Chicago 7-19, 2019, Chicago, Illinois
PEER-LED TEAM LEARNING: AN ACTIVE LEARNING METHOD FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. presented at the 8th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Spain, November 2015
Chaired the session: Pedagogical Methods and Experiences
Peer-led Team Learning: An active learning method for the 21st Century. Ana Fraiman and AE Dreyfuss, ICERI 2015 (International Conference in Education Research and Innovations) November 2015, Seville, Spain.
Student Learning greatly enhanced through the implementation of Mastery Laboratories: Key Gains in Critical Thinking, Mastery of Material, Team Work and Communication. Ana Fraiman EduLearn 15, (International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), July 2015, Barcelona, Spain. Virtual Presenter
Transition time? Moving toward student center labs: Ana Fraiman EduLearn 14, (International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies), July 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
Mastery and Wikis: Ana Fraiman ICERI 2013 (International Conference in Education Research and Innovations) November 2013, Seville, Spain.
Collaborative Reflections with Web 2.0: Ana Fraiman ICERI2011(International Conference in Education Research and Innovations) November 2011, Madrid, Spain.
The impact of Using Chem-Wiki (Web 2.0 technology) on student learning. Ana Fraiman. ICERI2010 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) November 2010 Madrid, Spain.
Chair Session
Session Chair: Collaborative and Problem Based Learning, EduLearn14, Barcelona, Spain.
Session Chair: Technological Innovations in Teaching and Learning: ICERI 2013, Seville, Spain.
Session chair: Technology in Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 and Social Networking ICERI2011, Madrid, Spain
Session Chair: Assessment of student learning. ICERI2010, Madrid, Spain
Session chair: Technologies and Methodologies applied to Education and Research ICERI2009, Madrid, Spain
Chem-Wiki Increase collaboration through online lab reporting using web 2:0 technology. J. Dao, M. Caffero, A. Fraiman ICERI2009.
Invited Conferences
PLTLIS (peer lead Team Learning International Society) Transforming Education: Research
and Best Practices with Peer-Led Team. May31st-June 2nd 2018, Dallas, Texas.
2017 PKAL STEM Leadership Institute July11-July16,2017, Maryland
Selected Presentations at National Meetings
A. Fraiman 1 , , AE Dreyfuss 2 .M. Nakamura 3 , A. Turchaninova 3 , Peer Leader Certification, Standards,
Practice, and Training. PLTLIS (peer lead Team Learning International Society) Transforming
Education: Research and Best Practices with Peer-Led Team, May 2018.
Fraiman 1 , , AE Dreyfuss 2 .J.Becvar 3 . -Sustaining PLTL Program by Publishing Course Workbooks
PLTLIS (peer lead Team Learning International Society) Transforming Education: Research
and Best Practices with Peer-Led Team, May 2018.
T. Bosie 1, A. Fraiman 2, T.Simeon . – Culturally Relevant Peer-Led Team Learning in General
Chemistry: Implementation and Evaluation. A Research Study at a Liberal Asts Historically Black
College and University (HBCU). PLTLIS (peer lead Team Learning International Society)
Transforming Education: Research and Best Practices with Peer-Led Team, May 2018.
Peer-Led Team Learning in Organic Chemistry. Chemistry Symposium for Undergraduate Women Students. Courtney Moran, Sandra Neri, Ana Fraiman (NEIU). Lewis University Romeoville, Ill. March 15, 2014
A case study in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory using Mastery Learning Model. N. Tran, T. Nguyen, A. Fraiman. BCCE 2012 (Biennial Conferences on Chemical Education at Pennsylvania State University) July 29 -Aug. 2, 2012
Building a Bridge Between an HSI and a Land Grant Institution.
Ricardo Diaz, Ana Fraiman, Pamela Geddes, and Maria Villamil.
Workshop at Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU). October 30, 2011, San Antonio, Texas
“Microwave-assisted Diels-Alder reactions in water medium catalyzed by zinc (II) chloride, a water-compatible Lewis acid.” Malgorzata Gawedzka and Ana Fraiman, Denkewalter Lecture in Chemistry and Medicine, Poster Session, Loyola University, October, 2010
Assessing collaboration through online reporting using Wikispaces. Sarah Vorpahl, Ana Fraiman, Mary Caffero, Illona Goykhman. 21st BCCE, August 2010, Denton, Texas
Selected Presentations at NEIU, and NEIU Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium
Through Hardships to Mastering Organic Chemistry: Interactive Learning and Student Centered Lab with Mastery Lab and Chem-Wiki. A student’s perspective. Brenna K. Dooley, Alexandra A. Gokee and Ana Fraiman. NEIU 23nd Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium, April 2015.
Mastery and Wikis, Transition Time? Moving Toward Student Center Labs, Sandra Neri, Ngan Tran, Thach Nguyen, Courtney Moran and Ana Fraiman. NEIU 5th Faculty Annual Research and Creative Activities Symposium, November 2014.
Organic Chemistry Peer Mentor Experience. Michael Covington, Courtney Moran (University Honors Program) and Sandra Neri, NEIU 22nd Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium, April 2014.
A Novel Method for the preparation of Acyloins via Photodissociation of A-Nitrosooxyketones. Thach T. Nguyen, Ana Fraiman and Veronica Curtis-Palmer. NEIU 21st Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium. April 2013.
Implementation of Mastery Learning Model into the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory. Ngan Tran and Ana Fraiman. NEIU 21th Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium. April 2013.
A Fresh Approach to Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory Using Mastery Learning Model. Ngan Tran, Thach Nguyen, and Ana Fraiman. NEIU 20th Annual Student Research and Creative Activities Symposium. April 2012.
Moodlerooms: Collaborative and Educational Gains. John Dao and Ana Fraiman, April 2011.
Chem-wiki at NEIU: Increasing collaboration through online Lab reporting. Mary T. Caffero (Master Program in Chemistry), Dr. Ana Fraiman, April 2010
Assessing the effectiveness of Ionic Liquids in Organic Chemistry Synthesis,
Malgorzata Gawedzka (Chemistry), Dr. Ana Fraiman, April 2010
Latinos in Science Panel. Ana Fraiman and Vladimiro Mujica. March 2009
Professional Experience
2009-Present: Professor of Chemistry, Northeastern Illinois University
1994-Present: Chemistry Computer Lab Founder & Director, Northeastern Illinois University
2006-2008: Coordinator of the Chemistry Department, Northeastern Illinois University
1996-2008: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Northeastern Illinois University
1991-1996: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Northeastern Illinois University
1989-1991: Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois at Chicago
1987-1989: Adjunct Professor of Chemistry, Loyola University at Chicago
Educational Background
1984-1987: Post Doctorate, University of Chicago
1979-1984: Ph.D. Chemistry, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
1974-1978: B.Sc. Chemistry, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
English, Spanish and Hebrew
Recent Grants
Collaboration and Retention in Environmental and Agricultural Research (CREAR)
Nancy Wrinkle, Department of Math, Ana Fraiman, Department of Chemistry, Jean Hemzacek, Department of Earth Science, Laura Sanders, Department of Earth Science, Pamela Geddes, Department of Biology. Awarded 2010
HSI Initiative “Peer-Led Team Learning Seminars for the STEM Disciplines” Nancy Wrinkle, Department of Math, and Ana Fraiman, Department of Chemistry. Awarded 2009.
The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
The Journal of Chemical Education
American Association of Colleges and Universities (AACU)
Additional Information
Pkal STEM leadership Institute July 2017
COACh workshop “COACh-the-COAChes" August 2016
International Advisory Board at the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; Barcelona, Spain
1996 & 2009: Excellence Award: Recipient
ACS American Chemical Society
ICUC The international center for first-year undergraduate chemical education.
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science
PLTLIS Peer Lead Team Learning International Society
Peer Lead Team Learning International Society. Board member July 2018
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