Post-Doctorate, Columbia University, 1985.
Ph.D., University of Massachusetts (Amherst), 1973
B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1969
"The War on Terror: Physician as Linchpin,” Health affairs: The Policy Journal of the Health Sphere
“Preparing for Terror in the U.S.,” The Jewish Week, 01/26/2007
“Terrorist Preparedness: A Critical Issues for American Jews,” The Wexner Foundation Newsletter, 02/9/2007
"Terrorism in American Cities: A Reexamination of Preparedness at the Neighborhood Level,” presented at the 30th Annual Teaching Public Administration Conference, Teaching Public Administration in Times of Turmoil, Penn State University, Harrisburg Pennsylvania, May 24-25, 2007
“The American Jewish Electorate in the 21st Century,” presented at the Wexner Israel Fellowship at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA, December 22, 2006
“The American Jewish Electorate in the 21st Century,” presented at the Max Wall Symposium on Religion, St. Michael’s College, Winooski, Vermont, October 31, 2006
“The Effect of the Far Right on Civil Liberties and religious Freedom in the U.S.,” presented at the Annual Meeting of American and World ORT, Los Angeles, CA, September 14, 2006
More than 250 Public lectures on Middle East Politics, Terrorism, Changing US-Israel Relations and Civic Engagement
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