Located on the first floor of the Ronald Williams Library, the Research and Publishing Lab (R&PL) is designated for the research and publishing needs of Northeastern students, faculty, staff and alumni. Priority will be given to University-affiliated users of limited licensed software such as:
- Adobe Acrobat
- Captivate
View a current list of all the software available in the R&PL, then reserve a seat at a Mac or PC.
The R&PL has technology equipment available to borrow. This includes:
- Dell Latitude 7420 laptops
- Canon VIXIA video recorders with tripods
- Raspberry Pi with electronic and programming components
Reserve a laptop, video camera kit or Raspberry Pi kit for pickup in the Research and Publishing Lab.
The R&PL is available for reservations whenever the Library is open. Consult the Library’s hours for specific days and times.
The R&PL is not staffed. If you require technical assistance, please visit the nearby Library Tech Desk during drop-in hours.