NEIU Libraries' subject librarians serve as a point of contact for the different departments and academic units on campus.

Departments and Programs

Department/Program Librarian
Accounting Chris Straughn
African and African American Studies Ed Remus
Anthropology Chrissy Cogswell
Archives, University Ashley Howdeshell
Art + Design Jackie Zook
Biology Lisa Wallis
Business Law Chris Straughn
CCICS Collection Robin Harris
Chemistry Lisa Wallis
College of Arts and Sciences Education Program (CASEP) Mary Thill
Communication, Media and Theatre Robin Harris
Community Health Lisa Wallis
Community and Teacher Leaders Mary Thill
Computer Science Chris Straughn
Counselor Education Ed Remus
Cybersecurity Chris Straughn
Dance Jackie Zook
Disability Studies Ed Remus
Earth Science Lisa Wallis
Early Childhood Education Mary Thill
Educational Foundations Mary Thill
Educational Leadership Mary Thill
Elementary Education Mary Thill
Economics Chris Straughn
English Mary Thill
English Language Program Mary Thill
Environmental Science Lisa Wallis
Environmental Studies Ed Remus
Exercise and Sport Science Lisa Wallis
Finance Chris Straughn
First-Year Experience (FYE) Robin Harris
General Business Administration Chris Straughn
Geography Ed Remus
Gerontology Ed Remus
Global Studies Ashley Howdeshell
Health Sciences and Physical Education Lisa Wallis
History Ed Remus
Human Resource Development Chris Straughn
Information Technology Chris Straughn
Justice Studies Chrissy Cogswell
Latina/o and Latin American Studies Mary Thill
Linguistics Chris Straughn
Literacy, Leadership, Development and Special Education Mary Thill
Management Chris Straughn
Marketing Chris Straughn
Mathematics Lisa Wallis
McNair Scholars Contact
Middle Level Education Mary Thill
Music Jackie Zook
Nontraditional Degree Programs (NDP) Contact
Philosophy Chris Straughn
Physical Education Lisa Wallis
Physics Lisa Wallis
Political Science Ed Remus
Psychology Ed Remus
Public Health Lisa Wallis
School for the Advancement of English Language and Learning (SAELL) Chris Straughn
Secondary Education Mary Thill
Social Work Chrissy Cogswell
Sociology Ashley Howdeshell
Spanish, Art, and Music Education Pre-K-12 Licensure Mary Thill
Special Education Mary Thill
Student Success Programs (including Proyecto Pa'Lante and Project Success) Contact
Teacher Education Mary Thill
Teaching and Inquiry Mary Thill
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL) Chris Straughn
University Honors Program (UHP) Amanda Levine
Urban Community Studies Robin Harris
Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Amanda Levine and Ashley Howdeshell
World Languages and Cultures Mary Thill